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The Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD)
Activities and Programs

Since the 1980s, JOHUD has built a network of more than 50 Community Development Centres ( CDCs) throughout Jordan.
In the early 1990s, JOHUD launched its Enterprise Development Programme and now operates several micro-loan programs that include technical and managerial training for borrowers.  In 1996, JOHUD established the Small Business Development Centre (SBDC), which provides consultancy, business training and loans to prospective entrepreneurs, with a special focus on women.
In 1994, JOHUD established the Queen Zein Al-Sharaf Institute for Development (ZENID) and actively, supports its work at all levels.  ZENID's three components, the Social Development Training Centre (SDTC), the Princess Basma Youth Resource Centre(PBYRC) and the Development Information Unit (DIU), provide information, training and consultancy to trainers and development workers, and host national, regional and international events related to social, economic and human development issues.  The creation of ZENID is an excellent example of JOHUD's work in capacity building and enhancing best development practices in Jordan and the region.

JOHUD conducts two national campaigns to meet the immediate needs of people living in hardship:
- The National Good Will Campaign is an ongoing event culminating during Ramadan that provides food, clothing, health care and scholarships to those living below the poverty line, as well as income-generating projects.
- The Queen Alia Social Work Competition raises awareness about people with special needs by helping to increase understanding, acceptance, and social integration.
JOHUD works closely with governmental agencies and policy makers on broader policy matters that influence the climate for development in Jordan.  For example, the Jordanian National Commission for Women, hosted by JOHUD since its establishment in 1992, is the highest policy-making forum on women's issues in Jordan.  The Higher Population Council (HPC) provides statistics and information to planners and policy makers.
JOHUD also serves as a resource and authority on development issues both in Jordan and the region, where there is a demand for its knowledge and expertise.

Examples of Activities in Priority Sectors
Early Childhood Education and Development :
JOHUD’s focus is on early childhood development. In the early 1980s, it began to open affordable and accessible pre-school classes in each CDC. In 1989, “Learning through Play” methods adopted by JOHUD became the national model for education. Children attending pre-school classes benefit from a range of services including nutritional, medical, and dental care. The program also encourages the greater involvement of parents at all levels and provides a series of Better Parenting programs. In carrying out its pre-school education program in rural areas, JOHUD has supported over 234 societies and established more than 450 classes in local communities. Its first Pre-School Teacher’s Guide Book was published in 1991 in collaboration with the Jordanian Ministry of Education and UNICEF. Each CDC runs its own Children’s Club, open to boys and girls between the ages of 6 and 14.  JOHUD is currently working on integrating children with special needs in its educational programs and provides training on inclusion.

Women's rights :
Women play a vital role in the CDCs, which also address a broad range of gender-based issues. JOHUD has built a strong network of women’s committees that now comprise more than 4,000 volunteers and are a starting point for social action and development activity within the community. Through their participation and capacity building women become mobilisers for social change at both the local and the national levels.  One of the most successful activities is the establishment of rural markets, which are not only communal events for they also train women in business practice, enabling them to sell products of home-based enterprises directly to local merchants, community markets, and private customers.  Recently a wide range of projects focused on building women's capacities such as: needs assessment and collective action.  Women are addressing their rights and entitlements and the rights of their communities.  In addition, women are advocating for their entitlements through conducting an effective dialogue with decision makers. The quality of basic services provided to the local communities is one of the main concerns women are addressing.

Youth Participation :
JOHUD recognizes the importance of youth: over 68% of the population is under the age of 30. They are the country’s most valuable resource – we need to invest in them now so they will lead us in the future.  JOHUD has therefore established a separate unit dedicated to youth-led initiatives: the Princess Basma Youth Resource Centre (PBYRC).  PBYRC responds to the specific demands of youth and promotes their right to enjoy:
•   a substantive and empowered role in all aspects of national development
• a voice in decisions that affect their lives in the family, community and the country
• opportunities to develop their full potential regardless of gender or social status
PBYRC runs youth-led programs, delivers training to youth leaders and transfers skills to youth volunteers at the community level.  Since its establishment, PBYRC has trained over 1,000 youth-to-youth facilitators and leaders across the country.  PBYRC is now recognised nationally and internationally for its dynamic and youth-empowering approach.  As the leading national organisation dedicated to working with the youth, PBYRC is also active at the policy level-helping define national youth priorities and pursuing them in partnership with the Higher Council for Youth, the Ministry of Education, UNICEF and others.
The Environment
JOHUD provides technical training, consultancy and supervision for land rehabilitation. In cooperation with local NGOs and a CDC in Tafileh, JOHUD planted over 40,000 square meters of rehabilitated land with trees to crate a small public park. The effort was so successful that the community began a local fund-raising drive to install water facilities in order to rehabilitate an extra 60,000 square meters and expand the park. In the village of Juhair, Ma’an, JOHUD worked with 500 people from 57 families to plant small home gardens. Inspired villagers then planted a pine forest in their local park and reclaimed common land for agricultural use.  Recently JOPHUD establish a permaculture project which is being used as a model for organic products and the best use of natural resources.

Reproductive Health and Well-being :
JOHUD promotes sound community health practices, including mother/child care, family planning, and provision of medical and dental clinics. It has two mobile clinics which cover remote rural areas. JOHUD is currently focusing on raising awareness on gender and reproductive health issues to enhance the knowledge base, change attitudes and influence the ways this knowledge is put to practice. Furthermore, through its CDCs, JOHUD supports plantation and greenhouses managed by women that produce herbs such as thyme, sage, rosemary, and chamomile. Farmers and others engaged in agriculture are trained in food processing and marketing to add value to their produce.

Water Resources :
JOHUD implements water harvesting and management projects to tackle water scarcity, especially in the southern desert areas and the Jordan Valley, by digging wells and renovating old cisterns and water systems.

Micro-business Projects :
JOHUD has run successful income generating projects at the CDC and national levels, supporting a wide variety of micro enterprises. For example:
• Bee keeping – producing and selling honey.
• Sheep rearing – establishing sheep farms jointly managed by families and the local CDC, which in turn give sheep to families to start their own business.
• Palm plantations – producing more that 12 varieties of dates.
• Rug weaving – training women in spinning, dyeing and weaving.
• Embroidery – using traditional methods to produce cushions, tablecloths, bed covers and other items for the tourist industry.
• Commercial sewing – training women in advanced sewing skills and helping hundreds of trainees to find jobs in the private sector.
• Eco-tourism – in partnership with the Wadi Rum Society, JOHUD launched the first eco-tourism project in Jordan, training local people as drivers and tourist guides in various historical sites.
• Ceramics
• Dairy products processing

National Human Development Report (NHDR) 2004 :
JOHUD worked on preparing, launching and disseminating Jordan’s second national human development report 2004 in collaboration with the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation and the UNDP. The report focuses on building sustainable livelihoods for poverty alleviation. The report was the second NHDR to be published in Jordan.  The NHDR provides up-to-date data on human development since 1997, covering all key indicators disaggregated to the governorate level. The 150+ page report notes that Jordan continues to make good progress towards human development goals.

The theme of the report is: Building Sustainable Livelihoods, which advocates for a focus on the poor with the intention of more evenly distributing the gains from development.  The report is based on the findings of a process of consultation involving over 800 poor people in seven communities across Jordan investigating the nature, scale and scope of poverty through the eyes of the poor themselves.   Their voices, views and stories are included throughout the report; thus, informing the analysis.  The report also draws on the knowledge and experience of more than forty development-related organisations which were involved in the production of the report. Each chapter includes detailed recommendations for targeted interventions tailored to meet the needs of the poor. 

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