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MMINBYUN -Lawers for a Democratic Society
Mechanism of Operation

The mission of The Advocates for Human Rights is to implement international human rights standards in order to promote civil society and reinforce the rule of law. By involving volunteers in research, education, and advocacy, we build broad constituencies in the United States and select global communities.

Operating Principles

The success of The Advocates for Human Rights is based upon:

A commitment to work impartially and independently to promote and protect international human rights;
Innovative and flexible programs that include investigation, representation, training and education, to offer concrete opportunities to promote international human rights;
Dedicated volunteers who devote their skills and energy to projects that support human rights;
Cooperative relationships with the United Nations as well as other non-governmental organizations working to protect human rights;
Strategic alliances with local, national and international agencies whose work complements and supports our mission;
Partnership building with local groups to build relationships in order to educate the community about and protect human rights;
A generous and receptive community that is the basis of the organization''s volunteer and financial support;
Talented and committed employees, board members and interns who represent the organization with clients, colleagues, donors and the public.

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