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Asia Crime Prevention Foundation (ACPF)
Activities and Programs

The activities by ACPF are carried out
closely in relationship with UNAFEI
ACPF was established by the alumini members of the United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNAFEI) .

ACPF has kept close ties with UNAFEI, particuraly interaised its activities.

The Foundation seeks to enhance the capabilities of personnel working in the field of crime prevention and criminal justice through following?activities:
Organizing and /or supporting training courses, symposia, seminars and other conferences at the national and regional level as well as public lectures and other initiatives designed to upgrade the knowledge and know-how of policy makers, administratiors and other professionals concerned with the prevention of crime,administration of justice and the treatment of offenders and victimes;

Conducting, encouraging and assisting in special surveys, studies and related activities in this field, including evaluative research to assess and improve the efficiency of crime prevention and criminal justice policies and training;

Promoting and sponsorsing personnel exchanges and visits by researchers and other experts n the crime field;

Fostering the establishment and subsidizing the activities of professional organizations active in the field of crime prevention and control, and assisting those concerned with the rehabilitation of offenders;

Fosterin, maintaining and reinforcing co-operation among its various agencies, organizations and other entities, as well as individuals, serving in the crime and justice field in Asia and the Pacific, including the network of UNAFEI alumni;

Furthering United Nations objectives in this area and supporting relevant activities aimed at the formulation of international guidelines and norms, and their regional application;

Promoting regional and inter-regional co-operation in developing and implementing offective crime prevention stragegies at both the governmental and non-governmental levels;

Publishing, exchanging and disseminating relevant information and data, including professional views and new perspectives, to aid the sharing and transfer of knowledge in the crime field; and

Broadening the base and increases the efficiency of crime prevention efforts in the region of Asia and the pacific and elsewhere by raising public awareness and enlisting the support of the private sector.

The activities of ACPF are supported, financially as well as practically, by voluntary contributions from individuals and corporates.

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