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Organizational Structure

Alternatives functions using a simple and effective structure.

Our members are the cornerstone of our organization. In addition to their involvement in the organization’s activities, our members meet once a year at the Annual General Assembly (AGA).

During the AGA, the members assess the previous year, determine the priorities of the organization for the upcoming year, and review the annual finance report. The 13 members of the Board of Directors (BoD) are also elected at this time. A member of Alternatives International is invited to join the BoD as well.

The board of directors meets four to six times a year. It attends to good governance, makes sure that the organization adapts to critical national and international developments, and names the executive committee.

The executive committee supervises Alternatives’ employees, ensuring that the decisions made by the AGA and the BoD are enacted.

The general director sees to it that the staff duly completes the work that was conferred upon them by the democratic body of the organization.

But what is especially important to retain from our structure is that Alternatives exists and functions thanks only to an active membership and with the support of thousands of donors.

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