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Al-Mansour Cultural Foundation
History and Background

Al-Mansour Cultural Foundation for Inter-civilization Dialogue is an international, non-governmental & voluntary cultural foundation. It acts primarily in the fields of culture & thought with the main purposes of advocating the cause of dialogue, in particular the dialogue among & within the civilizations, cultures & religions & enhancing the human thought & culture. 

The Foundation was established in early 2002 by Dr. Abdulmalik  Mansour Hasan Al-Masabi who is also running it in the capacity of Chairman. He was inspired to establish the Foundation with scores of the common observations & aspirations which usually prevail considerably the nowadays’ public discussions &, sometimes, even the personal contemplations, on the public & international concerns & issues of most urgency. Such inspiring observations & aspirations may include:
-The conflict, inclusive of all its aggressive forms, is the most costly&, perhaps, the oldest of the human society’s most intricate & long-standing problems. In addition to being a potential cause of many of other costly & intricate problems, the conflict, specially the armed one, usually means continued exhaustion of a considerable proportion of the revenues, manpower & scientific research efforts in getting prepared for the prospective conflicts which, after all, may or may not happen. Moreover, any outbreak of a conflict commonly results in a vast range of well-known damaging impacts & aftermaths. All that is bound to reflect negatively on the development & progress of the human society.
-The growing general concern about the increasing globalization-tendency shown recently by not only the military but also the cultural & economic conflicts. Such tendency has dramatically raised the armed conflict’s gravity & threat to the regional & international security & peace. The situation is further aggravating along with the statistically proved continued growth of the world military expenditure; persistent, though usually undeclared, race for the invention/ possession of more far reaching & easily useable weapons of mass destruction & the mounting apprehensions of the possible misuse of the recent scientific breakthroughs in the fields of the genetic engineering, nanotechnology & artificial intelligence in the international conflicts. The promotion of the dicta & pronouncements advocating religious, racial, class & -recently- cultural & civilization clash coupled with the continued ignorance/violations to the internationally accepted norms, values & principles, the growing role of the armed groups in the international interactions & the evident increase in the cases of the trans-continental & trans-cultural armed conflicts in the world are most likely to further escalate the international tension &, thereby, add momentum to the conflict globalization process.
-Importance of the dialogue & its role in preventing the outbreak of armed conflicts & interrupting their sequences mainly through providing the opportunity for a better understanding of the root causes of the conflicts & how to tackle the same more effectively & properly. The proper management/settlement of the conflicts goes along with the reinforcement of security & peace & promotion of harmony & fraternity spirit both in the local & international communities. It, consequently, help check the military expenditures, encourages re-appropriation of the resources & the manpower in favour of the economic, cultural, social & spiritual development & creates a proper  environment for the safeguard of the human rights & enhancement of the democracy equally in the local & international communities.
-Effectiveness of the role of the culture in addressing & inhibiting the conflictive, aggressive & irrational attitudes & manners & strengthening the commitment to the dialogue, peace & rational conduct.
-The emerging, but promising & constructive, role of the public institutionalized efforts & contributions in channeling, straightening & reshaping the crucial international interactions

The Foundation seeks to contribute to achieving of a number of aims the most important of which include:
Reinforcement of the dialogic attitude & approach in the individual & collective conduct both in the local & international communities
Advocating & supporting the dialogue among & within each of the various civilizations, cultures, ideologies & religions with a view to enhancing the coexistence, mutual affections, acquaintance with one another& respect for each other’s rights; safeguarding the pluralism & multiculturalism & ensuring the freedom of the civilization, cultural & religious choice.
Attendance to the culture, thought, education & religious discourse with an eye to exploring & addressing the negative concepts & reinforcing & enriching the positive aspects in particular the pro-dialogue elements, peace culture & the components that support & uphold commitment to the human rights; sound rationality & modernization; spiritual, moral, mental & psychological perfection; social coherence & balance & priority of the internationally accepted principles & values such the justice, equitability & freedom over all private/selfish  interests both in national & international arenas.
Encouraging the cultural movements of the world to intensify their intercommunication & organizational links in an endeavour to develop global cultural trends which can help provide basis for a better international cultural solidarity & strengthen the role of the culture in setting right the course of the international interactions & in building up a peaceful world.
Enhancement of peoples’ awareness & their interest & will in playing a constructive & effective role in the public/ international affairs. The optimization of such role would certainly help invigorate & put on the right track the national public work & give directions to the international interactions.

For the purpose of achieving its aims, the Foundation may make use of any legitimate & appropriate means or ways, particularly those of dialogic nature, including:
Intellectual, cultural, jurisprudential, literary & artistic production/innovation contributing to materialization of the sought aims.
Promotion of the dialogue, peace culture & good moral & ethical standards using the various accessible means.
Encouragement of setting up joint dialogue circles, fora or bodies comprising intellectuals, thinkers & religious scholars of different civilizations, cultures, religions & races.
Encouragement of revision of the schools & universities textbooks & references by the respective civilization, cultural & religious groups as well as the nations with a view to making sure of their freeness of any misrepresentation of the others or any misinformation on them & eliminating the concepts disadvantageous to the dialogic attitudes or peace culture. Seeking devisal & approval by the concerned authorities of a school subject dedicated for inculcation of the dialogic attitude, peace culture & commitment to egalitarianism, respect to each other, moral values & cooperation spirit in the new generations.
Intercommunication & cooperation with the local & foreign/international institutions interested in the civilization, cultural & religious dialogue & encouragement of establishment of similar institutions.

Translation of selected outstanding intellectual works relevant to the sought aims.

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