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The Children’s Hope Foundation (CHF)
Activities and Programs


Manzil is a non-profit organisation operating under the aegis of Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services. They provide a highly professional care-giving environment for individuals for special needs to nurture their potential and develop the necessary self help, social and vocational skills which are required to function in society.

Radiant School, located in Sharjah, provides education for very low-income families. CHF has had the privilege of finishing the school playground in 2003 and providing toys for all the students that were donated by the children that attended our annual children’s parties in 2004 and 2005. As the school fees for this school remain extremely low to accommodate all needy children, Radiant School requires ongoing funding and assistance from CHF so that they can continue to provide this essential and noble service to children less fortunate.

CHF is an ongoing contributor to Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Charitable & Humanitarian Foundation’s valuable work which ranges from helping the needy, destitute, widows and orphans from different nationalities, to constructing mosques, supporting education, culture and the arts, to establishing clinics, dispensaries and rehabilitation centres in conflict areas.

CHF has been able to contribute to the construction of a new facility for the Rashid Pediatric Therapy Centre. CHF’s support of the Rashid Pediatric Therapy Centre helped towards sponsorship of an integrated learning class for children with physical difficulties following a conducive learning education model, set up in January 2004. ongoing humanitarian contributions such as ours have helped the RPTC to continue to achieve the goals it sets itself towards improving the lives of children with special needs.

CHF fully concurs with Dubai Autism Centre’s refusal to let autism have the last word in a child’s life. The DAC offers a full range of services to help diagnose more about autistic spectrum disorders, and depends on donations to discharge its responsibilities towards the cause of spreading community awareness of autism, a lifelong developmental disability, and to initiate new programmes. Its latest project supported by CHF is Early Intervention Therapy for children aged two to four years and rehabilitation services for autistic children.

The Dubai Centre for Special Needs is making strides in keeping up with the latest technology, introducing innovative teaching strategies and therapy techniques. CHF’s backing for this centre helps it to keep adding extra curricular activities for its special needs students, such as horseback riding and sailing, proving that given necessary support, the opportunities for such children are endless.

We are regular supporters of Al Noor Training Centre for Children with Special Needs which relies on fund-raising to meet the ever-increasing costs of caring for these children. The Centre serves Dubai’s multi-cultural population by providing professional and effective training programmes and helping children with special needs from infancy to functional integration into society.

Gulf for Good, the Dubai based charity, organizes adventure challenges around the world inspiring people to an unusual feat of challenge or endurance. Participants get sponsorships, which are then donated to handpicked charities in the region where the challenge is held. CHF has sponsored a participant in a charity walk in India to raise funds for the Ashraya Orphanage in Bangalore.

Dubai Terry Fox Run – all funds raised from this fun family walk/run go directly to cancer research at the University Hospital, Al Ain.

CHF Dubai contributed to the construction of "Hope House", a care facility for families who have a child with a serious illness.

CHF has continued to support St. Mary’s High School in Kerela. With the charity’s help, the school has now been able to complete the building of the Science laboratory. With the funding from CHF in the past the school has been able to build additional classrooms and upgrade their library.

CHF is proud to support Children of the World Trust, Bombay, an organisation committed to providing educational sponsorship for socio-economically deprived children and providing services to families irrespective of their caste, creed or religion.

We are all diminished every time a child is denied the right to schooling and deprived of a future. Through Pratham, a corporate India education initiative, over a million children have been served. CHF’s support of this laudable initiative will hopefully have an impact on many children.

Through CHF’s continued support for the Balo Mano Vikasa Kendra, this school for mentally challenged children in Bangalore, India has been able to install equipment for vocational training and further upgrade its on-site facility. The contribution also went towards uniforms and free mid-day meals for all children.

Shimla Women''s Council, India – CHF funds were used for the creation of self-sufficiency skills program. In the same community, the Cancer Care Society used their CHF grant fro the treatment of paediatric cancer patients.

Children of the World Shelter for girls in Mumbai.

Life Institute for Girls in Pune.

Fidai Girls Orphanage in Mumbai,
With the help of CHF, Umeed-e-Noor has been able to expand the Physiotherapy department by recruiting qualified therapists and acquiring specialized equipments.

CARE (Cooperation for Advancement, Rehabilitation and Education) is a welfare trust in Pakistan, championing the cause of providing equal opportunities for all, especially in fighting illiteracy and empowering the child to improve his stand in life. CHF is proud to have joined hands with CARE on various occasions.
The Nur Centre was provided with funds desperately needed to build and properly equip a centre for disabled children adequate accommodation was found and now it has running water, proper toilets, heating, furniture and a continuing supply of food and drinks for the children.
Hunger is the obvious manifestation of extreme poverty. Focus Humanitarian Assistance was given money to buy and distribute food and non-food items following extreme weather and snowfall. It continues its good work of emergency relief supplies and rehabilitation activities.

Focus Afghanistan – The School/Milk Project for the poorest of the poor in Northern Afghanistan. This program encourages school attendance each student receives milk and biscuits each day they come to school.

Roshan Project – Provides educational opportunities to children aged 4 to 17 living in Kabul, who are the principle wage earners for their families.
There are also projects which have been identified by CHF (UK) which CHF Dubai additionally supports. These include providing and training specialist tutors for children suffering from autism, and providing funding for the Carlton Vale Infants School for deprived children. Other programs also include a CHF sponsored wing at the Children’s Hospital in Sunderland and the “Think Twice” education and counseling program for “at risk” teenage girls.

A CHF sponsored wing for the Great Ormond Street Children''s Hospital in London.
Together, we can do more to touch, improve and transform the lives of those we are privileged to serve. CHF has been able to do so in assisting in the construction of the Kibaha Orphanage Centre in Tanzania, East Africa. The orphanage serves by providing a home for orphans from the neighbouring communities in the impoverished villages.

CHF also supports the work of Assist a child to school, Kenya.

A.C.T.S. (Assist a Child to School), Mombasa , Kenya – CHF provides funding for education for the needy.
CHF also supports the work of Romanian orphanage charity.
CHF with the help of Bagong Lumad Artists Foundation Inc is helping feed hundred needy children from the impoverished squatter community of Manila. Not only is it feeding them but its contribution will also provide the necessary tuition fees and transportation to school, thus supporting every child’s right to education.
Computers to Romania, surgery for a needy child in India, in-service teacher training in Tajikistan, schools and care for orphans and widows in Afghanistan, schools in East Africa, support for a special needs school in Islamabad, funding to provide a new home for orphans in Vietnam…the list goes on. CHF continues to work hard to meet the requirements of needy children everywhere no matter their race or religion.

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