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IMIC-International Multireligious Intercultural Centre-Zajedno
History and Background

IMIC was founded on 10th of December 1991, on the occasion of anniversary of UN Declaration of Human Rights, as non-governmental organization, on the basis of civil law, and opening ceremony was attended by 50 public figures, doctors, scientists, philosophers and theologians for three main monotheistic religions (Islam, Judaism and Christianity). Organization operated, for a while, in Academy of Arts and Science, and from the 1st of July, 1996. IMIC has its own premises in municipality Old City, on the address: Obala Kulina Bana 39-Sarajevo.


Since 1991, IMIC organizes joint prayer and meditation, and implements projects related to improvement of dialogue among religions and cultures, with participation of Islamic, Catholic and Orthodox and Jewish congregations in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also in wider region. Sarajevo week of multireligious dialogue was organized in 1993 in Graz, Austria and the topic was analysis of the role of religion in peace-building process. After that, the projects that were implemented: Multiethnic and multireligious reconciliation, State and religious affairs, Religions and social life (in Sarajevo,1994.); Reconciliation: a Way to Freedom (in Sarajevo, 1997); Religion and Human Rights (1998.), Religion and Public Life (1999.). In year 2000. IMIC organized symposium about dialogue of civilizations in Bosnia, Serbia, Kosovo and Bulgaria. From 1994, IMIC gathered members and friends in multi-religious, intercultural centre, played advisory role, and gave support to refugees in Germany (mostly in Bayern region) in cooperation with Arbeitgemeinschaft der Christilichen Kirchen Bayern, and with Jewish and Islamic communities from Zagreb, Croatia. In 1996, on the fifth anniversary of organization, Library for promotion of multi-religious dialogue, human rights, justice and peace, was opened in Centre''s premises, and ceremony was presided by the Dean of Sarajevo University.


In 1997. IMIC established Counselling centre for refugees and displaced persons, and regular meetings were organized for families from all social layers. Since 1997. projects comprised reconstruction of flats in Sarajevo, for couples in '' mixed marriages'' and for single mothers, no matter what their religion and nationality was. In 1999. IMIC started joint-project with Franciscans of eastern and south-eastern Europe (FMO) for reconstruction, multi-religious dialogue and reconciliation on Kosovo. Since 2000. IMIC organizes Spiritual call and prayer for monotheistic religions. In 2004 pilot-project was completed ''Mulitreligiosity and reintegration in Bosnia and Herzegovina'', and in 2005. project '' Women, religion and politics’, the value of it (both research and publication) was approximately. In cooperation with Arizona State University, IMIC started Masters Program in Religious studies in CIPS- Centre for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies, and the first generation was enrolled in this first interdisciplinary Masters program for religion, in English language, in year 2008. In year 2007. IMIC started the project ''Faith and Community: Dialogue'' which sponsored 24 full scholarships for participants from Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia for one- month-stay in United States ( in Washington DC and Philadelphia) and working with American experts, organizations and institutions active in areas of religion, human rights, education and culture. One group of participants travelled in April, and the other one went to United States in October 2008. This program involved one visit of American experts in September 2008 and it ended with final visit of American experts and Closing conference in May 2009. IMIC established its first website through this project and it will be kept for the further needs.


From February 2007 until March 2009 project '' Interreligious dialogue through education and communication of the youth'' was implemented and finalized in eight municipalities of B&H, and results of this research are on IMIC website www.dijalog.net  in quantitative data and percentage, in tables produced by researchers from IMIC. Also there is a booklet/publication that resulted from this program, available on website in pdf, and in hard copy from IMIC Library, produced with support of Education Department of  OSCE-Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This publication was produced within  a follow-up project entitled `Publishing results of research made within project '' Interreligious dialogue through education and communication of the youth in multicultural society in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 2008 IMIC Assembly renewed its Statute and registered in Directory of scientific and research associations with Cantonal Ministry of Education in Sarajevo (this initiative followed the two main research projects Women, Religion and Politics and the aforementioned research of attitudes towards religious education and religiosity in municipalities), and it received a small grant from Federal Ministry of Education and Science for Improving the services of IMIC Library.   In 2009, IMIC also received grant from Canada Fund for Opening Women`s section in IMIC Library, and all activities envisaged by this on-going project have to be completed by October 2009. In 2009 and beginning of 2010 IMIC will be involved in organizing one Regional School for interreligious dialogue and education, as a partner organization to Main Applicant -BOSH-Belgrade Open School, Serbia, within the project funded by European Commission and entitled Awaiting the European Union: the Stabilisation of Inter-Ethnic and Inter-Religious Relations in the Western Balkans.


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