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Future Generations Programme
Mechanism of Operation

At the Bangkok regional meeting held in 1987, the Future Generations Network was created to link persons concerned about the needs of future generations and to stimulate further debate among scholars coming from different disciplines. Today the network has national correspondents from 50 countries. Its aims are the following:

  • to communicate facts and emerging concepts related to intergenerational solidarity in order to raise the awareness of the present generation with regards to its responsibilities towards far distant unborn generations.
  • to alert the international community about the urgency of appointing a guardian to represent future generations in national and international fora and see that the right structures are set up at the global, regional, national and other levels so that vigorous, timely and effective measures are taken to safeguard their needs and interests.
  • to change our fundamental angle of vision and turn our energies to new ways of sustainable living built on environmentally sound values and attitudes that can guarantee the peaceful coexistence of present and future generations on our planet.
  • to promote interreligious dialogue, particularly among Jews, Christians and Muslims in order to consolidate efforts on matters of common concern, such as peace promotion, the eradication of poverty, the protection of the genetic heritage of humankind and biodiversity, the protection of the environment and the appropriate use of the common heritage of humankind.
  • At the heart of the Network is the Future Generations Journal which is published three times annually. The Journal keeps the debate alive, serves to exchange ideas and implementations among the members of the network and disseminates research in the field of future generations studies.


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