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Lebanon Family Planning Association (LFPA)
Activities and Programs

I- Reproductive Health (RH) services:
The LFPA provide RH services through clinics and the volunteer field workers in the villages:
• 2 model clinics in Beirut, one in Sabra area and one in Ashrafieh.
• 4 referral centers, Saida and Deir Kanoun Al Naher/ South Lebanon, Ketarmaya/ Mount Lebanon, Niha / Bekaa region.
•  19 clinics within Army dispensaries.
• 18 clinics within NGOs dispensaries.
• 160 volunteer field workers in the following areas:
- Zahrani region /South Lebanon
- West and middle Bekaa /Bekaa
- Ikleem El Kharoub /Mount Lebanon)
- Tyr (Sour)/ South Lebanon
- Nabatiyeh / South Lebanon
- Southern Suburb of Beirut / Mount Lebanon

II- Training Center in Choueifat , South of Beirut:
Hundreds of training course , National and Regional, in the fields of Population and Reproductive Health .

III- Youth Activities:
• 8 Youth cells in 8 regions of Lebanon.
• An enlightenment and educational program at the Lebanese University. 2 programs in 2 faculties/ year.
• The first youth festival in 1997.
• Training courses to prepare peer educators in the fields of Enlightenment against drug addiction, AIDS and RH.
• Volunteer camps for the Youth.
• Summer camps for youth 14-17 years of age.
• Children summer camps.

VI- Woman Activities:
• 95 centers for woman activities since 1981 and to 1995 in different regions of Lebanon, provided information , skills  and expertise in sewing and embroidery and home economics for more than 3500 women.
• 13 seminars implemented since 1983 and till 1995, entitled "Evaluation of Woman Situation in Lebanon"
• More than 25 educational centers to educate rural women within the frame work of a project funded by Italian Ministry of Social affairs.
• Enlightenment and education of pregnant women implemented in around 60 villages every year.
• 9 centers to train women on income generating activities such as arrangement of dried flowers and mosaic by Italian experts.
• Participation in different exhibitions to sell the production of women.

V- Activation and promotion of the role of NGOs:
• Several specialized workshops to representatives of NGOs in all regions of Lebanon.
• Training and Empowering of NGOs funded by the EU 1995-1998.

IV- Population Policies in Lebanon:
• 3 National population Conferences in Lebanon in 1977, 1982 and 1987.
• 2 Parliamentarians on Population and Development in 1986 and 1992.
• Regional Population Conference in 2004 within the framework of the activities of the ICPD +10.
• Tens of Workshops and seminars to sensitize the public on population issues.

IIV- Field Studies:
The LFPA executed the following field studies:
• The knowledge, attitude and use of contraceptives      1974
• The knowledge, attitude and use of contraceptives in South Lebanon and Bekaa Regions      1984
•  The attitude of the man from family planning      1987
•  The knowledge and use of drugs within universities      1995
•  The attitudes of Youth regarding RH, AIDS and drug addiction      1996
•  The knowledge, attitude and use of contraceptives in southern suburb of Beirut      1996
•  The unmet needs of rural women      1997

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