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The Applied Research Institute- Jerusalem (ARIJ)
History and Background

Founded in 1990, the Applied Research Institute of Jerusalem (ARIJ) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting sustainable development in the occupied Palestinian territories and the self-reliance of the Palestinian people through greater control over their natural resources. The Institute works specifically to augment the local stock of scientific and technical knowledge and to introduce and devise more efficient methods of resource utilisation and conservation, improved practices, and appropriate technology. ARIJ plays an active role in the local community as an advocate for greater co-operation among local institutions, international and non-governmental organisations. In its capacity as a national research institute, it frequently provides current data and research necessary to the formulation of position papers and policy strategies on such issues as land and water resources. Moreover, through its work with donor institutions and regional and international experts, ARIJ promotes an environment conducive to the introduction of new initiatives and ideas and thus serves as a facilitator in the co-ordination of multilateral activities.

There are four research units at ARIJ, namely the Biodiversity and Agricultural Research Unit (BARU), Water and Environment Research Unit (WERU) and Geographical Information System and Remote Sensing Unit (GISRSU) and Computer and Information Technology Unit (CITU). Additionally, ARIJ has instituted a Resource Center, The Biodiversity and Agriculture Research Unit (BARU) aims to help farmers improve their socio-economic conditions and to develop the agricultural sector through research on agricultural techniques, technology adaptation, planning and policy.

The unit has extended its scope of work to include irrigated agriculture, biodiversity and IPM A special emphasis is given to find solutions to hinder desertification and to conserve Palestinian natural resources.

The Environment and Water Research Unit (WERU) aim to identify existing environmental problems, locates sources of environmental pollutants, and measure the extent of their impact; analyses the current development trends and their impact on the environment; evaluates the feasibility of new technologies to solve environmental problems; creates awareness programs to inform policy makers and the public of environmental problems and means of remedy; develops computer-based programs for environmental modeling strategies and decision support systems for the Palestinian environment.

The Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing Unit aims to use up to date data and mapping technology in research studies, such as land use analysis and planning.

Computer and Information Technology Unit (CITU) aims to develop virtual and interactive databases. The unit has extended its activities towards developing an office automation system as internal monitoring and evaluation system.  

ARIJ’s Mission

The following principles guide ARIJ in its mission:

1.It must enjoy the cooperation and support of Palestinian national institutions, local universities, grassroots
organizations, professionals and other institutions working in research, technology transfer and extension services.
2.It should use local experts and encourage team work between scientists of various institutions.
3.Its research projects must be determined in coordination with and be useful to the community.
4.It will organize and use consultancy committees to evaluate submitted research proposals and for other matters of
help and guidance.
5.It must be able to effectively disseminate information and knowledge to the community through organizations already
serving the community.

ARIJ’s Objectives

1.To catalyse coordination and cooperation between the various groups and institutions working in economic development and
to facilitate the creation of a sectoral planning units.
2.To actively participate in the economic development of the community through better utilization of the potentials of
natural resources.
3.To provide technological and scientific knowledge, skills and facilities that are needed by the community.
4.To help in the identification and understanding of community problems that could be assisted by science and technology.
5.To play an active role in the development of the human resources needed to adapt and use technologies.
6.To generate and attract income-producing opportunities for the community through technology transfer.
7.To choose and adapt the most appropriate ‘imported’ technology to the needs and requirements of the community.
8.To develop adapt and improve the local technologies.

Although initially established to confront issues facing the agricultural community. Early research priorities focused on
cultivation in marginal lands, livestock production, agro-industries and marketing, and water management and utilisation.
As the Middle East peace process was initiated, ARIJ became involved in environmental and water issues.
Consequently, ARIJ embarked on building an integrated environmental information system that was followed by the publication
of environmental profiles for each of the West bank districts and a comprehensive status of environment report for the West
Bank. All the data compiled by ARIJ was later transferred to the PNA line ministries for updating and upgrading.  As land
issues became of paramount importance, ARIJ started developing its GIS and remote sensing capabilities and utilized these
technologies to monitor land use changes which included Palestinian urbanization and Israeli settlements growth

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