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Women Organization to Combat Illiteracy In Jordan (WOCI)
Activities and Programs
  • WOCI Literacy Program:

The illiteracy rate in Jordan is 10.2%, illiteracy between male is 5.1% and between female 15.6%. The nature of illiteracy problem neither starts nor stops with the people who are poor – it affects the community at large.  It is a well known fact that not all women have been able to obtain basic education during their childhood years, also some of the young girls were forbidden from continuing their education while others didn’t even have the chance to get their elementary education.  This had a negative impact on their children in particular and on the society as a whole. 

Illiteracy has forced women rely completely in securing their everyday-life-needs upon the males in their families. Also, they were not able to acquire decent jobs unless it is manual labor and usually they’ll be under paid, regardless of how smart most of them may be.

1 WOCI Literacy and Numeracy Classes

The WOCI literacy and innumeracy classes started back in the early 70s in coordination with the Ministry of Education, which for the first time put the voice of the adult learner on the agenda. Being naturally influenced by the philosophical approach of Popular Education, WOCI sees literacy as a liberating and empowering process which cannot be viewed in isolation of the boarder quest for peace and justice. Consequently,  it has established special classes for ages from 12-18 in addition to the other classes catered for women over 18.

2 WOCI’s Vocational Training Activities 

In addition to its literacy classes it provides training to the unskilled through implementing vocational training activities, which include:
1. Folkloric Embroidery
2. Sewing and Knitting
3. Hair dressing
4. Computer training

Such training activities tend to help them acquire basic skills that enable them to achieve even broader personal goals, become independent and able to secure their daily needs, increase their self-esteem and motivation. 

These courses take place in each and every center of the WOCI; it targets mainly unemployed women of all ages with special emphasis on girls 14-18 years old who are unable to continue their high education. 

A major component of WOCI literacy program is the training in vocational and income-generating skills. These include tailoring, the use and maintenance of sewing machines, preserving and reviving crafts, especially traditional arts such as Folkloric Embroidery. WOCI helps to market the women's products at regional and national craft fairs.

In addition to training activities WOCI established a participants- owned production facility for commercial clothing. The proceeds of this facility are shared between the participants and WOCI.  Trainees learn through practical experience to write receipts, count cash and give change, and other literacy practices the thing that prevents them from falling back into illiteracy.

This facility faces serious challenges that threaten its sustainability.  these challenges lie mainly in WOCI and participants ability to market their products due to severe competition with the cheap products invading the Jordan market and lack of governmental local industries protection measures which came as a result of Jordan becoming a member in WTO.

3  ICT Training for Computer illiterate women and girls

This project was funded by the British Council, and started its activity from the 1st December 2002. It aims to empower women in disadvantaged areas to enjoy secure livelihoods. 100 women were trained under this project and also 12 handicapped people who were from Cerebral Balsu Foundation.

After the success of this project, WOCI agreed with National Information Technology Center and established a computer unit to train women and young people on computer skills. The aim is to enhance women’s and young people economic security and rights in disadvantage areas and to rehabilitate young people to the needs of the market.
In the 15th of January 11 students were  trained  and passed the exam and they had the certificate from the National Information Center     

  • WOCI Awareness Raising Program

1  “Enhancing Women’s Participation and Human Rights awareness” Project

One of the questions the WOCI is trying to tackle is: How shall we enable women to get possession of what rightfully belongs to them. To respond to this question the Project “Enhancing Women’s Participation and Human Rights awareness and interpersonal skills” was established.

Through the project, the goal of Women’s Organization to Combat Illiteracy is to empower the women and girls to be more informed and active participants in the development of their community.  For them to be able to identify their rights in  daily  interacting on the micro (family) scale and the macro (community) level.  It teaches them how to address these rights and how to tackle them for their own benefits.

Project Achievements

Through the project WOCI achieved the following:

? Developed a training package composed of 15 sessions covering related topics such as Universal Declaration of Human Rights, CEDAW, Child's Right and Women's rights in the Jordanian Law using tools and participatory approaches that are suitable for working with literate and semi illiterate women.
? Qualified 24 trainers through Holding Training of Trainers and Facilitation skills in the three mentioned communities.
? Implemented Human rights activity curriculum for women of different ages.
? Held 190 sessions of awareness raising workshops on Human Rights in general and Women and Childs Rights in particular.
? 305 women and young girls from the Baq’a Camp, Taibeh town and Abu Nusier Housing Complex participated in these sessions.

2  “Inclusion of Illiterate and Semi Illiterate Women in the Democratic Process”

Another project, which focuses upon making women, realize the importance of them becoming an active part in the democratic process “Inclusion of Illiterate Women in the Democratic Process” project was implemented in Baq’a Camp and Taibeh Town.

Illiteracy among women limits their political awareness, and leads to the majority of women not becoming involved in the parliamentary elections.
Efforts to encourage women’s participation in the parliamentary election were not really focused upon illiterate women, but upon women in general. Therefore, their understanding of and participation in the political process were ineffective.

Project Achievements

• Developed a training package composed of four sessions covering related topics such as the electoral process, the elections law, the characteristics of the deputies who can represent women’s interests the best and the  history of the democratic process in Jordan, using tools and participatory approaches that are suitable for working with literate and semi illiterate women.
• Eight trainers from Baq’a Camp were trained on appropriate tools and messages and means to reach the illiterate and semi-illiterate women and girls.
• Produced Video film on importance of women’s active participation in the elections targeting the illiterate women.
• Conducted 32 sessions on electoral law in the Baq’a Refugee Camp and Taibeh town targeting women and girls.
• 150 women form Baq’a Camp and Taibeh town participated and benefited from these sessions.

3 Reproductive Health awareness

Jordan is committed to achieving health for all to meet the goals set by the World Summit in 1990. The challenge in women reproductive health is to target the most vulnerable. This includes addressing problems and the quality and equity of care and quality health living.

This project aims at the integration of RH/FP awareness and education into the literacy programs of WOCI. It also aims to conduct vocational training for women and girls, as well as, opening of nurseries to care for children of women and mother enrolled in the literacy classes.

The Jordanian Association for Family Planning and Protection (JAFPP)  undertook training of trainers for a group of WOCI trainers on January 2003. Upon completion of this step, WOCI trainers started the implementation of the RH/FP workshops for mothers, women and girls in the three centers of the organization and other high schools. The project covered till now more than 200 women and young girls and it is still ongoing. 

Project achievements:
• Developed a training package composed Training of Trainers Workshop with 12 participants. Focusing on a different aspects related to reproductive health including family planning and contraceptives focusing on sexual health education, mothers and Childs health in addition to other relevant issues

• Conducted four sessions in each center ( Abu Nusier, Taibeh Town, Jwaideh and Baq’a Camp) 16 sessions, four in each center but in Taibeh town two from four sessions were conducted in public school. Each group in every center was composed of 25- 30 participants from different age groups ranging from 12 years old up to 50 years and above.

4 Women In Management Program

Women Organization to Combat Illiteracy in Jordan is organized and facilitated a Capacity Building Workshop in cooperation with CEDPA/WLP.  The workshop provided an opportunity for Jordanian NGOs Board member, volunteers and staff to develop a plan of action that they identify as a priority in their communities. 

The workshop aimed to provide strategies to empower women to defend their rights and that of others and most importantly, contribute to the prevention of human rights violations.  The goal of this initiative is to equip women with appropriate skills and knowledge in Management, Human Rights Advocacy and Gender.  In order for women in Jordan to voice their opinions and be heard by people of authority, women in Jordan should have the skills to articulate their ideas and opinions and knowledge of strategies to the dynamics of intervention to create social change.

This workshops equipped NGOs Board members, volunteer, and staff with the necessary skills to effectively participate and contribute towards the maintenance of harmony for future generations.

5 integrated development with youth in Jordan

This project aims to help the Jordanian youth reflect on ways in which they can contribute towards developing their own potential and the development of their nation. A three hundred -hour training workshops was conducted to youths in many areas throughout the country. The workshops focused on issues such as; moral leadership, effective relationships, creativity thinking, developing vision, Time Management, Training of trainers, promotion of Human Rights and development of the culture.

Project achievements :

• Developed a training package composed of four sessions with 24 participants  covering related topics such as
? The Universal Deceleration of Human Rights (UDHR)
? Convention on Rights of Child (CRC)
? Convention against Torture
? Convention Against All Kind of Racism
? And others.

• Conducted a workshop for training the  trainers about Human Rights for 5 days, attended by  24 participants. It was held with cooperation with National Institute for Human Rights and specialized lawyers within this field.
• 4 workshops conducted by the title of "our human rights reality and dreams". The workshops were held Abu-nussier, Baq'a camp , Al Taybeh and Al Zarqa, and they were attended by about 100 participants.

6 Education For All program

Representatives of WOCI attended three conferences for Education For All which were organized by UNESCO. The first one was in Amman on 19th October 2003 and after that UNESCO had chose WOCI to play the role of the national coordinator. The second one was a regional meeting which was held in Beirut on January 20th – 23rd, 2004.   

After this, WOCI held a meeting on January 9th 2005 for 10 NGOs aiming to establish an Education For All network to put a strategy in which Civil Society Organization will implement the six recommendations of Dakar conference.  

The aim of this network is to cooperate with the Ministry of Education in Jordan in order to achieve the six concepts of Dakar conference which were and be heard by people of authority, NGOs in Jordan should have the skills to articulate their ideas and opinions and knowledge of strategies to the dynamics of intervention to create social change.

7 Community Active center

While the percentage of women participating in the labor force has increased in recent years to reach 35% in 1999 but still not exceeding 10% in the private sector, female unemployment rates simultaneously increased from 11.7% in 1979 to 27% in 1999 and 34% in rural areas.
Through these trainings WOCI tried to help women acquire basic skills that enable them achieve even broader personal goals, become independent and able to secure their daily needs, and increase their self-esteem and motivation.

Consequently, WOCI signed an agreement with the regional office of the UNISCO to consider Abu Nusier center as a Community Active Center (CLC). This project started on January 2005 and it’s goal is to help strengthen women's capacity and to advance their education, skills and overall marketability in today's competitive job market. The project would improve the quality and relevance of vocational training, and reorient and improve adult education and training programs for women to enhance their relevance to labor market and community needs.

Another aim that the project is trying to cover is to improve WOCI institutional building through improving working team's skills, abilities and qualifications so that they'll be more able to advance and influence the illiterate women and youth people, and to facilitate communicating with them.

Conferences and Workshops:

o Women's Summit - Mexico 1975
o Fourth World Conference on Women Action for Equality, Development and Peace: Bijing + 5/ 1995
o Geneva Social Summit: Copenhagen + 5 June 2000
o Regional Meeting in preparation for Rio + 10 – Beirut September 2001
o Euro-Med Civil Forum- Brussels, October 2001
o World Forum on Globalization and Global Trade – Beirut November 2001
o Globalization of World Trade and interest of the Southern Countries – Cairo October 2001
o Southern NGO Summit on Sustainable Development – Algeria March 2002
o Regional Human Rights Education Workshop – Thailand July 2002
o Mediterranean Development Forum MDF4 - Amman October 2002

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