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Iraqi Journalist's rights Defense Association
History and Background

Iraqi Journalist's rights Association is foundation non governmental, non profits, surrender doing according to the law and international documents specially the human rights documents it is (NGO).
It targets to these goals:   
1-Observe the violation against the journalists Iraqis or Arabic or foreign journalists who work in Iraq.
2- Making safety environment for working the journalists.
3- making efforts for humble the violation  
Offer the studying and suggestions about The reasons of these violations 
4- Propagation of the culture of the human rights   in the Iraqi civil society
And the International human rights document for the year 1948 and other text which is related with to reach for the right of journalism or press.
5- to inform the Iraqis and Arabic Organizations about the violation.
6 To participate the journalists with the workshops of training .
7- the (IJRDA ) is working for all the Journalists Iraqis or foreign people who work in press .
8-the location of the Association will be  in Baghdad and also the Administrative council  has rights to open new branch in the other governorate.
Joining to the Association
1- Each journalist can join in the association also the men who are working in the law or people who are protecting the journalists or human rights
2- The administrative board give the membership by decision
3- They give the defining card to whom getting the agree to joining.
4-the administrative board can give the honorable membership for whom are doing hard .
5- The member of the association who is active in human right or protector of them .


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