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Are you interested in attending a course about promoting the Culture of Peace?

Coady International Institute
Mechanism of Operation

Educational programs at the Coady Institute continue to draw upon the best of our tradition while developing innovative content and methodologies.
Over 100 development practitioners from 25 countries in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Canada and the Middle East attended Coady’s on-campus Diploma and
Certificate programs this year. These programs enable people to reduce poverty and to promote citizen engagement in the world’s poorest nations.

Strong partnerships are the hallmark of Coady’s work over the past
four and half decades. By building the capacity of civil society
organizations, leaders and citizens of developing countries drive their
own development and participate more meaningfully in the good
governance of their societies.
Working in countries such as Ethiopia, India and Ecuador, Coady staff are
supporting organizations in improving their outreach services through
in-country training and technical assistance. Organizations are now
better able to contribute to urban and rural development, community
health, girl child education and economic self-reliance.

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