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The learning center
Activities and Programs
The center provides many services for beneficiaries including :
1- Learning Center School:
The Learning Center School, established in 1997, is a model education program for students (7 to 15 years old) experiencing learning difficulties, attention problems, language delays, and / or difficulties in learning English as a second language . the presence of a student in small groups provides a chance of individual learning.
The Learning Center specialists teach the students a variety of strategies to assist them achieve their academic goals.
2- Clinical Service:
The educational psychologist at the Center submits a comprehensive assessment to determine the student’s intellectual ability , level of educational achievements, learning styles, specific strengths and defining his needs. This is how the specialist co-operates with the parents in drawing up a suitable education plan for the students .
3- Consultation service:
The Center provides consultation services for the students and their parents where the psychologist gives his directives and advice that help the students to overcome his social, emotional and communication problems.
4- Speech and Language Curement services:
The Center provides services for the curement of pronunciation and language difficulties ( in both Arabic and English languages) for those who suffer from stammering, language retardation and pronunciation problems , in addition to the sound defects. The student is assessed from the point of view of the language and pronunciation before developing a curement plan on an individual basis with the co-operation of the school and family.
5- Subsidiary Educational services:
 (A) subsidiary lessons : The Center provides some subsidiary educational lessons after the school day. Those lessons are given at the school in some major fields ; reading , listening, written and verbal expression and arithmetic.
These services are rendered to students having difficulties in learning, in small groups and by specialized teachers . in all cases, a learning test is conducted for the students to determine their educational standard and, hence developing an individual educational plan. This plan should define the services to be provided for those students to enable them have a better education through improving their skills, broadening their mental abilities and enhancing their confidence.
(B) English as a Foreign Language :
      The Center provides  a service for teaching English as a foreign language: reading , writing , speaking, diction and pronunciation . then a test  is conducted to determine the standard of the students. This is followed by dividing them into small groups where they receive teaching lessons from specialized teachers .
6- Seasonal Services:
the learning Center provides consultation services to parents, teachers, and schools with regard to educational plans and programs . This is in addition to any modifications to promote the student learning and success. It also organizes training seminars and workshops for parents, teachers, and other professionals on issues related to child development as regards his educational, health, social and psychological aspects .
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