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Are you interested in attending a course about promoting the Culture of Peace?

Life-Link Friendship-Schools Association
Mechanism of Operation

The Life-Link board and core brain trust acts as a catalyst for interested schools (students age 12-19) world-wide. Schools participate
 By continuously using the Life-Link program (manual) at classes as part of the regular curriculum.
 By joining certain highlighted Life-Link themes and campaigns
 By participation at international Life-Link conferences, usually 2 students + 1 teacher from each school. The conferences usually concludes a one year campaign with a specific theme. (The ongoing theme is Culture of Violence into Culture of Care (based on Life-Link proposed action 2:01) that will be concluded and discussed in Rosario Argentina August 2008)
Schools report (short reports) to www.life-link.org,  Schools&Actions. Each school has its own page where performed and reported actions are summarized, sometimes with small photos.

As a second possibility (the first is to perform peace/care actions where you live / around your school) is then to discuss a performed action with an other school in the Life-Link network.

Any school can join  (www.life-link.org,  Contact), by sending in a report from a performed concrete peace action. Life-Link demands actions at participating schools! According to the well know device “Act Locally – Think Globally”.

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