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Religion for Peace
New York , At 04/10/2010

Dear All,


Religion for Peace, the world’s largest multi-religious coalition advancing common action among religious communities for peace based in NY, has launched Arms Down Campaign for Shared Security.


The campaign calls upon international organizations, governments, national assemblies and parliaments, municipalities, media, and all men and women of good will to get involved and take action towards reducing nuclear and conventional weapons and reallocating military spending to support urgently needed development, as set forth in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).


The Campaign is led by The Religions for Peace Global Youth Network and it aims to:

1. Abolish nuclear weapons.

2. Stop the proliferation and misuse of conventional weapons.

3. Redirect 10% of military expenditure to achieve the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015.


How can you take action? Start by singing the petition on http://www.armsdown.net/ or on the attached document. The petition asks "all governments to make an official pledge to cut their military budgets by 10% and to re-allocate those funds toward development".


Singed petitions will be delivered to the United Nations Secretary-General Mr. Ban Ki-moon and to the representatives of permanent members of the Security Council and other UN member states in the closing ceremony of Arms Down! Campaign, which will take place on October 4th in New York.

Your signature CAN make a change and, indeed, DOES MAKE a difference! Please sign the petition and join our call! Please share it with your network and with all People of Goodwill.


Let US take action and make a difference


Thanks & Best Regards,


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