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EUROPARC Federation
Mechanism of Operation

The EUROPARC Strategy

The EUROPARC Federation brings together a wide range of organisations and individuals involved in the policy and practice of managing parks and protected areas across Europe. In the 27 years of its existence to date it has done much to spread good practice and to foster a sense of common purpose across the protected area network.

At the 1999 EUROPARC General Assembly in Zakopane, Poland, a strategy paper was approved by the members of the EUROPARC Federation, providing a framework for the further development of the Federation over the coming years. Whilst the strategy focuses on the organisation and operation of the Federation, its underlying purpose is to equip the Federation to play as big a part as possible in achieving the vision of an adequate, effective, and well-managed network of protected areas in Europe, conserving the full landscape and biological diversity of the continent.

In 2007 the strategy was reviewed and a new strategy for 2008 - 2012 was created. You can download the text of the new strategy here: EUROPARC Strategy 2008 -2012

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