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The alliance for arab women
Activities and Programs


Women Impact on the Political Process

The overall goal of this project:

The overall goal of the project is to use the coming two elections for the parliament and the local councils 2008 to enable women to impact the political process through :
a)Understanding about the election process (eg. How to register, where to vote, how to mark a ballot, etc).
b)Rationalizing their voting behavior.
c)Increasing the number of qualified women on the lists of candidacy.
d)Winning seats.
e)Playing an effective role and making a difference when becoming members in the policy making and legislative structures.

Project Objectives:

The number of women who would cast their votes in the 2008 elections will double those of the last election.
More women will give their votes to women and to men candidates with gender sensitive attitudes than the last election.
The number of women on lists of candidates for the elections will increase by 100 percent than last election.
The percentage of women in the parliament and in the local councils will increase to be at least ten percent.
Women members in the parliament and in the local councils will be effective and will make a difference within these structure through including women''s concerns and through reflecting their sound perceptive in the agendas and debates within these structures.
The Project Activities :

 1-Prepare civic and voter education material relevant to women''s needs.
 2-Mobilize the media to support women participation in the election procedures and to create a positive atmosphere towards the suggested quota system for women.
 3-Organize Public Conferences to raise community awareness about the importance of women''s political participation and to educate women about the details of the election process and about the importance of using their right to vote and to support the right candidates.
 4-Work closely with the political parties to review and correct the registration lists of voters and to identify capable women candidates in each governorate.
 5-Lobby with parties and the parliament to support the proposed quota system.
 6-Use the AAW NGO network to create a positive atmosphere towards the suggested quota system for women and to ensure that lists of all the voting sites and their locations are available and that women know where to vote.
 7-Identify women candidates'' specific needs during the election campaign and undertake relevant activities to meet these needs.
 8-Facilitate transportation for women voters to reach voting sites and organize volunteers group to provide needed assistance to women voters at the sites.
 9-Monitor any disturbances during the election process and report them to the officials.
 10-Undertake an assessment study of the inputs and outputs of the process to be used in planning for the next election.
 11-Document success stories to be used during the next elections.
 12-Identify the specific needs of those women who succeeded to be members in the parliament and local councils and undertake relevant activities to meet these needs.

Project target groups:

 a- women eligible to vote .
 b- Women candidates for elections.
 c- Women members in the parliament and in local councils
 It will indirectly target political parties, local government, the media, community natural leaders and the communities at large.
 Empowering Youth in Giza 

The overall goal of this project:

 The overall goal of the project is to promote the concept of community participation among youth and to enhance their rights through establishing communication channels with decision makers and elected representatives. This will include :
   •Sensitising elected representatives to the needs and interests of marginalised groups;
   •Empowering marginalised groups, particularly youth, to influence public policy; 
   •Channeling the media and religious figures to disseminate  information to encourage community participation.

 By the end of this 2 years project we expect that:
    1.The needs and interests of marginalised youth will be properly included on the agendas of their local council representatives;
    2.Young people who felt marginalised will be able to express their needs and will use legitimate channels to pursue their rights;
    3.Marginalised youth will have access to resources;
    4.Families will be capable of identifying and preventing radical or violent behavior in their children;
    5.Religious people will be more active in promoting youth community participation;
    6.Media will encourage young people to participate in their communities.

Preventing Violence and Terrorism through Communit

The overall goal of this project:

The project’s goal is to replicate an action oriented model that has been established to combat violence and terrorism through assisting marginalized groups to acquire the power and skills to include their unmet needs and interests in public decisions, and through enabling women to prevent their family members from joining terrorist groups

The project objectives:

1) Encourage different groups of citizens, including youth to express and communicate their views and suggestions in an articulate way to the different legitimate entities concerned with decision making.
2) Enable mothers to interrupt the process of joining terrorist groups among their youth.
3) Empower the population of the community to influence the coming 2008 election for the Local Councils through active and rational voting behavior.
4) Improve access to local government services

Project Target Groups:

Direct Target groups:

1) Marginalized population.
2) Youth in secondary education.
3) Unemployed youth.
4) Community natural leaders.
5) Community decision makers.

Indirect target groups:
1) Staff in service delivery systems.
2) NGOs in the two governorates.
3) Political Parties.
4) Local Councils.
5) Media.
6) The society at large.  



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