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Egyptian AIDS Society
Activities and Programs

The message of the Egyptian AIDS Society
 The organization is active in the fields related to attaining efficient prevention of HIV/AIDS, including awareness campaigns and training youth and their leaderships, as well as those who work in the medical field and mass media executives, journalism, radio and TV. The organization is also active in the fields of providing social and economical support to PLWHA and their families, and qualifying them socially and psychologically to adapt to the society.
 The organization carries out research and studies related to STI and HIV/AIDS. It also organizes and participates in conferences on both national and international levels.

 The organization adopts the missionary work methodology towards the target communities, leaders of opinion and ideology, as well as policy and decision makers, in order to provide PLWHA with care and medication, obtain active social support, and empower behaviors which best achieve HIV/AIDS prevention using all available methods, such as mass media, education, and personal, as well as public, communication.

 The organization collaborates with more than 150 governmental, non-governmental and civil society organizations, in achieving its goals and objectives. It has been capable of forming association with such organizations in order to coordinate and implement common activities. Collaboration continues with various ministries; e.g. Ministry of Education, Ministry of Higher Education, private and public schools and institutes, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Mass Media, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Solidarity, …etc. 

 The organization has also been able to collaborate with several international organizations such as the Ford Foundation, UNICEF, W.H.O, IPPF, UNAIDS, UNDP, and the World  Bank. 


Fields of Activity

Training                                                                                                          Implementation of 70 training courses and workshops joined by 2150 members of different types of targeted individuals.

Awareness                                                                                                    Implementation of 1000 educative symposia, each joined by 100 to 200 members of different types of targeted individuals

Contests                                                                                                    Implementation of 24 Artistic challenges, 2 per year, in schools, youth centers, universities, and the general public.

Exhibitions                                                                                                   Organization of 32 exhibitions for Figure Arts about HIV/ AIDS

Conferences                                                                                                 Implementation of 5 conferences joined by concerned ministers, experts, specialists, and concerned national and international organizations which have joined in many national, regional, Arabic, and international conferences

Medical Service                                                                                                Organization of 86 Mobile Teams offering Reproductive Health services and insuring awareness of related issues.

Mass Media                                                                                                    Continued cooperation with the media by broadcasting sections on HIV/AIDS through radio and television.
This includes two programs on Channel 5 (Ureed Halan “I Want Solutions” - Hamassat Shababeyya “Youth Whispers”).
These programs deal with the problems of youth and provide them with information on HIV/ AIDS.
Moreover, informational contests on HIV/ AIDS were organized  through those TV programs, which achieved remarkable success.

Researche                                                                                                              Launching 3 researches studying the extent of the public knowledge about STIs and HIV/AIDS, and the public behavior towards STIs and HIV/AIDS patients, and using their results as a basis for planning the society''''s programs and projects.


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