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International Academy of Architecture
Activities and Programs

Main Activities

The IAA activities are centered on the implementation of the following programs:

-Sustainable Development of Architecture and Town Planning
-Architectural Theory and its Application
-Architectural Education and Professional Qualification
-Professional Information
-Social Housing
-Architecture and Ecology
-Support of United Nations` programs, declarations and activities

The IAA major activities of an international scope are the international architectural conferences, competitions and exhibitions; World Triennial of Architecture (INTERARCH- Sofia), permanently held every three years, global and regional seminars, workshops and symposia jointly with UNDTCD, UNCHS, UNEP, UNCED, UNESCO and other organizations.

In the last years a special effort has been made to post-graduate training of talented young architects from all over the world.

-Post-graduate training of young architects - series of Workshops: Urban Conceptions of Science City, Plovdiv; Housing Units for Science City; Master Plan of Spitak; Seaside Resort, Mahachkala; Design Workshop Moscow; Greek Village, Sochi; Urban Historic Centres in Buhara and Chernigov; University and the City of Communication Space, City and Urban Ecology – France (Paris-Conflans, UNESCO and some French ministries); Ecopolis - Gorna Banya 2, Bulgaria;
-Waterfront Zone, Kobe, Japan 1993 - International competition for young architects;
-Tallahassee competition for students in architecture on “Architectural Fantasy” (in collaboration with Nautilius Foundation-1994);
-A Master Class in the Creative center Santo Kiriko on the ecoskyskrapers (2001);
-International workshop – competition in cooperation with JFYA-Mexico on Revitalization of the Architectural Heritage: Renovation of Haciendas, Mexico 2001;
-International conference on “Globalization and Identity of Architecture in Berlin”-2002;
-International conference  on Sustainable architecture in Rome 2003;
-International conference on Contemporary Architecture in Istanbul-2005;
-International conference and competition Towards the Asian sustainable cities-Nagoya, Japan 2005;
-International  laboratory-research and projects for the city of Culliacan, Mexico 2005)’
-International conference on World Contemporary Architecture- Rome 2006;


Main activities jointly with UNCHS (Habitat):

-March 1989, International Seminar on Reconstruction of Towns in Armenia after the Earthquake (IAA/UNCHS/USSR/ ARMENIA);
-November 1989, International Seminar on the Preservation and Rehabilitation of Historic Districts, Towns and Monuments in some Developed Countries and its Relevance to Developing Countries;
-September 1990, International Seminar on Improvement of Housing Conditions and Rehabilitation of Historic Centers
-Two publications on these two Seminars (1991);
-April 1991, Exhibition-Competition on Low-Cost Housing in Developing Countries, displayed during Commission on Human Settlements (CHS/13) in Harare;
-June 1992, International Forum and International Exhibition - Competition on Ecopolis-City of the Future, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Other IAА activities

-Training of specialists from developing countries in preservation and rehabilitation of national heritage (historical monuments, towns and inner cities).
-Joint Seminar (IAA/UNDTCD/Government of Bulgaria) on the Environmental Aspects e- of Water Resources Development (October 1991) .
-International Seminar on Architecture,  Environment and Education (IAA/French Ministries of Foreign Affairs, national Education, Youth and Sports) Marly-Le-Roy, France, June 1991
-The IAA Program of Social Housing aiming to assist developing countries''in solving the housing problem of low - income population (Governments of Namibia and Tanzania expressed their interest).
-The IAA initiated the Program: Concordia 2000 - the Blue Bands of Europe, to unite the efforts of European states bordering the Danube, Main, Rhone and Rhine rivers towards an ecologically planned and clean Europe. "The IAA hosted two International Expert Group meetings on International Program of Ecological Research and Monitoring of the Black Sea and the River Danube with the participation of UNDTCD, UNEP, UNDP, ECE, UNESCO, WHO and scientists from the Russia, FRG, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Ukraine, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria)
-Round table discussion on Eco-problems in architecture during Interarch''94.
-International Workshop on Recreation complex in Plovdiv city - Bulgaria.
-Competition on Urban concept of a new city - Ecopolis Antichernobil''21-Ukraine.
-Two workshops in Odessa, Ukraine on Individual House
-Conference of IAA Moscow Branch on architectural education.
-Four Interdisciplinary Conference on Megacities 2000 jointly with Megacities 2000 Foundation in Rotterdam.
-International conference "Architectural and Urban Quality for a Sustainable Development" jointly with ENEA (Italy) and Municipality in Rome (1996).
-International Symposium "Globalization and Identity in Architecture" during the XXI UIA Congress, Berlin, 2002
-International conference “World Contemporary Architecture during the XXXII UIA Congress – Istanbul 2005.

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