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Sudan National Committee on Traditional Practices affecting the health of women and children "SNCTP"
History and Background

Inter-Afrcian Committee on Traditional Practices on women and children cleaved from Dakar (Senegal) seminar in 1984 that organized by WHO. IAC was legally registered in Senegal and its residence in Addis Ababa. IAC has a consultative status in UN economic and social council and observer status in African Union (AU). IAC established branches in 30 countries, Sudan is one of them.

SNCTP History :
SNCTP is one of very first branches founded in 1985 and legally registered in 1988 as a non-governmental, non-profitable women oriented organization. It is affiliated branch of the Inter-African Committee (IAC) on Traditional Practices affecting the health of women and children which is recognized by the African Union and the Economic commission for Africa as a women regional network. However, SNCTP established branches in 15 states of the Sudan (Khartoum, El-Gazira, River Nile, Kassala, Red Sea, Northern, Sinnar, White Nile, Blue Nile, El-Gadarief, West Kordofan, South Kordofan, North Darfur, South Darfur and West Darfur) and formed and in internal displaced camps in Wad El-Bashier, Mayo Farms, Abooda and Um Ali in El-showack, 3500 units as community based units known as SNCTP's friends which have run by 5020 trained volunteers and supervised by the states' branches, besides that, 2 units were formed in Internal Displaced Persons IDPs camps in Khartoum state. Branches are shown below in the map.

SNCTP was provided the special consultative status UN/ECOSOC in 1999, it became a member of the conference of NGOs with ECOSOC (CONGO) in 2000 and got an observer status with the African union (AU) committee on African Human Rights in 2002.
SNCTP has strategic plan for 2003 – 2007 as it works with long-term projects 5 years - through funds and agreements signing with SNCTP HQ.

SNCTP Objectives:
•Enlightens the communities on the HTPs risks and its effects on health and sustainable development.
•Empowers the cadres knowledge in rural and urban areas throughout the Sudan.
•Educational and scientific materials supporting as target groups needs.
•Supports the education for girls students (10 – 17) years to prevent them from early pregnant consequences.
•Provides services in the domain of awareness and psychological counseling (for wars' and HTPs victims).
•Cares the upbringing of early childhood and teenage.
•Conducts surveys and operational researches and distributes its results to government and civil society related sectors to develop its future views.
•Annual Presentation of the activities' impacts in SNCTPs' branches.
•Coordination and networking with semi-organization locally, regionally and internationally for experience and scientific documents exchange.
•Participates in local, regional and international events related with child and woman rights.
•Fund raising for continuation.


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