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Ho-Sum Organisation Limited
Staff and Members

Christophe Lee  Christophe is the Founder and Director of Ho-Sum and was the main driving force in pulling together the team to work on establishing the organisation.
While working for an investment bank, Christophe participated in a company sponsored volunteer project, and found the experience to be highly rewarding. He also observed an information gap between charities that needed volunteers and those who want to offer help. The advent of the Internet seemed to offer the perfect solution for making the whole process of volunteering easier, more enjoyable and accessible.

Christophe approached his ex-colleague Steve Rice and good friend Jonathan Cheng to join him in setting up Ho-Sum. With a lot of perseverance and funding from the Keswick Foundation, their dream finally came to fruition in October 2002 when the Ho-Sum website was launched.

Christophe has over 10 years experience in the finance industry. Prior to joining Sun Hung Kai, Christophe was an Executive Director at Goldman Sachs in Hong Kong.
Jonathan Cheng  Jonathan is a Founder and Director of Ho-Sum and provides legal advice to the organisation.
Jonathan was keen to participate in volunteer activities but had always found excuses not to get involved due to time constraints. Jonathan also found it difficult to find something he felt good about volunteering for.

Few years ago Jonathan fell seriously ill and had to rely on the good will of others in order to get by in his everyday life. When he was asked to join Ho-Sum as a director he jumped at the chance as this provided a good fit in which his skills and talents could be utilised. Above all else he felt passionately about the mission of Ho Sum.

Jonathan joined WKLL in 1992 and is now a Partner to the firm.
Steve Rice  Steve is a Founder of Ho-Sum and brings his extensive knowledge and experience of the non-profit community in the Asia Pacific Region to the organisation.
For over 13 years, Steve has been actively involved in his local community and with a wide variety of charities serving as a volunteer and board member for various organisations. In Hong Kong, Steve has worked with AIDS Concern and Soultalk as well as representing the Hong Kong chapter of AFLAC, a not for profit organisation in Sri Lanka. In the United Kingdom he worked as the youngest Samaritan in Britain at the age of 17 and volunteer with The Terrence Higgins Trust and the East Gloucestershire Health Authority.

Steve has specialized in corporate social responsibility and philanthropy for the last 9 years as a Director and founder of his own company (Rice Community Consultancy Asia) and more recently as the Regional Manager for Goldman Sachs Charitable Services Group based in Hong Kong, before starting his own company RICE in 2003. RICE helps companies achieve results in their social responsibility objectives and community investment programmes.

He has extensive experience in non-profit community in the Asia Pacific Region and a broad overview of global corporate philanthropy trends.

Steve has been actively involved in his local community and with a wide variety of charities for over 13 years serving as a volunteer and board member for various organisations such as the Samaritans (UK), The Terrence Higgins Trust and the East Gloucestershire Health Authority in the United Kingdom, AIDS Concern in Hong Kong, and most recently as a Founder of Ho-Sum.

Clare Chan  Clare joined Ho-Sum in 2003, and was promoted to Chief Executive Officer in 2007.  She holds a bachelor degree in Computer Engineering and a master degree in Management.  Clare has over 7 years solid working experience in IT industry.  Formerly a Business Consultant in a local Internet Solution Company. and  having worked in financial institutes and software companies in Hong Kong.  




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