Founded: 1 Dec 1983, Limassol (Cyprus), when Statutes were adopted, following resolution of a meeting Apr 1983, Hammamet (Tunisia).
Aims: Call for respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms of all citizens and residents of the Arab world; defend any individual whose human rights are subjected to violations which are contrary to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ; endeavour, regardless of political considerations, to obtain release of detained or imprisoned persons, and seak relief and assistance for persons whose freedom is restricted in any way or who are subject to coercion of any kind because of their beliefs and political convictions, or for reasons of race, sex, colour or language; protest in cases where a fair trial is not guaranteed; provide legal assistance where necessary and possible; call for improvements in conditions of prisoners of conscience; work for amnesty of persons sentenced for political reasons.