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Activities and Programs


 will engage a wide range of new partners and stakeholders, including commercial banks, mobile and technology providers, small and medium-sized businesses, media, and personalities who appeal to youth, employer’s associations, governments, regional and international organizations, donors and NGOs.  Silatech intends to harness the best of new technologies, resources, and ideas to transform the landscape of opportunities for young people.
Silatech’s activities will be multi-dimensional.  It will support an innovative and comprehensive strategy that may include:

advocating for government policies to encourage greater youth entrepreneurship and employment;
promoting market-related training, job linkages and placements;
enabling state-of-the-art contact and counseling centers;
experimenting with ground-breaking technologies to connect young people with each other and potential employers;
providing access to business development services and capital for aspiring young entrepreneurs;
creating opportunities for job attachments such as internships and apprenticeships;
breaking down cultural barriers to risk taking.

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