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The National Arab American Medical Association (NAAMA)
History and Background

NAAMA is a nonprofit, nonpolitical, educational and charitable organization of medical professionals of Arab descent. NAAMA was incorporated in California in 1975 and became a national organization in 1980. Twenty-nine chapters of NAAMA have been established in the United States and Canada.

NAAMA is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to offer continuing medical education credits to physicians. In addition to educational, cultural and charitable events organized by the individual chapters, NAAMA sponsors national and international medical conventions annually. 19 international conventions have been held in Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Morocco, Oman, Syria, Tunisia, and the United Arab Emirates in cooperation with local health officials and medical institutions. Twenty-seven national conventions have been held in a variety of cities in North America. The conventions feature a unique blend of educational, cultural, social and humanitarian activities.

NAAMA produces two publications, Al Hakeem and NAAMA News. Each is published three times a year. The journal, Al Hakeem, covers a broad range of association events and educational and cultural topics in English and Arabic. The newsletter, NAAMA News, focuses on association news and members.

NAAMA’s Foundation, established in 1990, is the charitable and humanitarian arm of the association. The association’s various committees may request grants from the Foundation to fund projects that follow the Foundation’s guidelines for educational and humanitarian medical projects.

The National Auxiliary encourages charitable, educational and cultural enrichment, sponsors fund raisers for the Foundation, oversees the Youth Activity Committee, and assists in enhancing local and national programs. Membership is open to families of members of NAAMA.

Professional and Educational

To enhance the medical knowledge of the members of NAAMA, to contribute to the medical profession, and to support continuing medical education and research.
To promote professional relationships among members and organizations of the medical profession in North America and the Arab world.
To create friendly relationships among health-field professionals who share a common background and who wish to perpetuate pride of heritage.
To print an official membership directory which can serve as a source of references and information.
Charitable and Humanitarian

To support professional and educational activities aimed at health education and disease prevention in cooperation with community-based organizations and to support general humanitarian activities.
To provide and to help coordinate routine and emergency medical care in
support of those in need in the Arab world.
To provide assistance where possible and to serve as an educational
resource for medical students and health field-related post-graduate trainees of Arabic descent.
To sponsor speakers, grants, textbooks and other learning materials for
medical schools in the Arab world.
Cultural Enhancement for Members and their Families

To create activities and programs for NAAMA’s youth which highlight their shared Arabic heritage, and to foster community spirit.
To encourage and promote role models among the health care profession who can help inspire and guide the direction of NAAMA’s youth.
To recognize Arab artistic efforts and endeavors.
Establishment of Affiliated Chapters

When requested, to aid in the establishment of chapters in various states. The chapters must subscribe to the highest ethical standards and principles advocated by NAAMA and those in the medical profession.


NAAMA was named organization of the year by the Arab Communicty Center for Economic & Social Services (ACCESS) of Michigan in 2001 and was awarded the same title by the American- Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) in 2002.

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