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Kuwait Society for the Advancement of Arab Children
History and Background

The Kuwait Society for the Advancement of Arab Children has been registered as a non-profit organization since 1980 with the aims of advancement of specialized knowledge in the development of young children and to education in the Arab world. The Society is also dedicated to the development of new pedagogical research regarding this stage of the child''s development, adding to analytical, diagnostic and technical tools and through its efforts to bring to light facets of contemporary Arab education, which have so far been overlooked by the government and educational organizations.


KSAAC is A Nongovernmental, Non-Profit Organization. It Endeavors to Accomplish the Following Goals:
  Identify the factors and circumstances, which affect the educational services for children below the elementary level.
  Plan appropriate models for providing educational services for children.
 Suggest ways and means to educate parents on how to deal with children.
 Identify the different children’s organizations in the Arab countries and study their problems.
 Develop an Arab strategy for children’s education and health care.
 Make parents aware of children’s needs and how to provide parental services.
 Conduct research on children’s social, psychological and physical development.
 Study various areas related to children’s development: educational, psychological and social.


Suggested Plans to achieve these objectives: 
 A -  Long-term plans to solve the following problems:

 Protecting children’s legal rights.
 Conducting research on children’s problems.
 Establishing Arab children’s care center.
 Developing industries for children’s toys.
 Encouraging the development of children’s literature.
 Improving media programs for children.
 Conducting seminars.
 Developing children’s periodicals and publications.
 Establishing children’s libraries, etc.

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