(USADC) - Membership :
Initially in 1999 the general assembly had 43 members, this number has been on the increase ever since.2000. After the establishment of the VTC many people showed great interest in joining the association.
According to the regulations of USADC membership should be approved by the general assembly. The general assembly meeting is usually held once a year, until then anyone can register his/her name as a friend of USADC and participate in activities until they get the formal acceptance by the general assembly. The interested could fill the form below and send it by mail and once get the response this is the beginning of the formal registration, till the annual General Assembly meeting, the new member could participate in our activities as any other member (not in taking decisions).
Membership in USADC classified into three groups as follow:
The Association has the following membership: -
A. Regular members; are those whom their membership has been accepted by the General Assembly;
B. Contributors or supporters members of Association are individual or Association either National, Regional or International, which their membership based on, their yearly contribution, determine by the Boards of Directors to support the activities of the Association;
C. Honor membership is granted to a person who believes in the objectives of the Association and contributes for the fulfillment of these objectives.
Required Conditions for Membership
Believing in the objectives of the Association and contributors to the fulfillment of these objectives.
payment of the prescription.
being accepted by General Assembly, with recommendation of the Board of Directors.
application should be submitted to the Board of Directors in a period not less than a month, before General Assembly.
every member has the right to attend the General Assembly personally or by authorizing somebody, he or she “member” has the right of voting.
honor member can attend the General Assembly, without voting.
No member allowed with more than one proxy of other members.