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Iraqi Businessmen Union
Mechanism of Operation

Membership in the Union

The member of the union is subject to the following:

      1. Includes the member enrollment for any one who bears the attribute of a Businessman, whether being a merchant, industrialist, contractor or agriculturist, as well as for the companies, or the commercial and consultant bureaus and their managing directors.

      2. To be having good reputation.

      3. To accept the bylaw of the Union.

      4. His age will not be less than 25 years old.   


Mechanism of enjoying the union membership 

     1. Enrollment of the Federation member will be proposed by two enrolled members at the union.

     2. The board of directors takes its deliberation into consideration, provided that the proposed member to be enrolled to the federation will be having ethic, cultural and professional characteristics, in addition to the listed stipulations in article four of this regulation that will be attended to him, to qualify him in the contribution of business development and effectiveness of the federation.

     3. The new member is accepted in the union when fulfillment of the stipulations and announcement of the nominees names at the federation newspaper.

     4. The member whose affiliation to the union was accepted at the federation should accept this bylaw, the union decisions and the board of directors’ resolutions, as to be obligated with paying the subscriptions, 

being specified by the board of directors. 

     5. The member’s wife and children are considered to be as support to him. They have the right to participate in the social and cultural activities without participation in election and nomination.

     6. The board of directors is permitted to accept the members in the union from :

     a. Businessmen, Economists and Arab and foreign consultants, permanently or intermittently available in Iraq, provided that they should not exceed (10%) of the total members.

     b. The moral person, having relation with the union aims.

  7. The board of directors has the right to award an honorary member title for any unaffiliated person to the union, provided that the following stipulations are fulfilled in.

a. He should have given important assistances to the union.

b. To be of well known standing rank at the financial, economical, cultural or scientific domain or having an 

    important public personality. 

c. This title is awarded in accordance with a decision to be taken by the board of directors within at least, the

    majority of the three quarter members, by secret of casting of ballots.

d. The honorary member is exempted from paying the subscription and affiliation fees, but he has no right for

    voting at the public union meetings.

e. The board of directors considers in awarding the honorary membership for each member, who becomes a

    deputy, Minister or taking command of a position at one of the general managements and on the 

    contrary its membership will be suspended.  

f. This membership is annually renewed with a resolution from the board of directors.

g. He has presented a lofty service to the country, especially at the economical domains and researches.

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