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Amman Center for Human Rights Studies
History and Background

Amman Center for Human Rights Studies was established on 10th Dec, 1999, which is an independent institution. It is not involved in any local or international involvement with the government or political association. 

The Goals of the ACHRS :
1-To provide a scientifically-based statistical and information base on the local, regional and international human rights declarations, covenants, and conventions.
2-To provide a democratic platform for dialogue, coordination and integration of the efforts of the human rights governmental and non-governmental organizations.
3-To disseminate the human rights culture and to spread knowledge of it to all those who are interested in the various civil society institutions and government institutions.
4-To help governmental and non-governmental organizations in monitoring, documenting, and following up the human rights situation and to strengthen and upgrade human rights on all the legislative and applied levels.
5-To pay special attention to the human rights of the fragile segments of society, such as the children, old people, and people with special needs.
6-To participate in the building of the state that is governed by law, institutions and the democratic humanitarian society.
7-To participate in the process of reviewing the local legislation, laws and instructions and to offer scientific proposals to adapt them to the international norms of human rights.
8-To contribute to the strengthening of the humanitarian rights of women so as to enable them to effectively participate in public life and in decision making.

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