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Eumeness- The European and Mediterranean Network for the Social Sciences (EUMENESS)
History and Background

What is Eumeness ? 

Within the sphere of Social Sciences, the Foundation for International Studies has become a focal point and centre for the former Network of the European Co-ordination Centre for Research and Documentation in the Social Sciences (known as the Vienna Centre).

The past year saw the establishment of EUMENESS, an auspicious addition to the International Institute for Social Sciences. It assumes a similar role to its predecessor in Vienna, albeit with a different geographical and political sphere of interest. EUMENESS aims to give universities and organisations from the Mediterranean and beyond the chance to share views and work towards greater understanding of the issues affecting the well-being of the region''s peoples. The aim is to promote the cross-fertilisation of European and Mediterranean cultural identities. The remit of the network is both ambitious and timely since the prosperity and peace of the region will depend entirely on how well the peoples of the Euro-Mediterranean area learn to live harmoniously with each other.

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