The Council for Economic Empowerment for Women of Africa (CEEWA)-Uganda chapter is a non- governmental, non-partisan and not for profit organization working to promote the economic empowerment of women in the development process. CEEWA was born at the fifth African NGO Forum held in Dakar, Senegal in 1994 in one of the workshops that observed that the economic policies were adversely impacting on women yet nothing much was being done to address the concerns. CEEWA was therefore formed to be a torchbearer for African Women Economic Empowerment with national chapters in different countries.
CEEWA-U was started in 1995 and traces its origin from the preparatory meetings for the UN Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing- China 1995. It was started with a membership comprising of women professionals with academic and working experience in economics, agriculture, banking, gender, statistics, business management and other disciplines related economic development whose vision was to follow up on the critical areas of development for the Beijing Platform of Action.
To promote the economic empowerment of women in the development process through advocacy, training, research and documentation and information dissemination
A Uganda in which women''s aspirations, rights and productive potentials are fully recognized and mainstreamed in the framework of equitable and sustainable human development