The Alliance For Arab Women(AAW) is a voluntary Non governmental organization registered with the Ministry of Social Affairs in 1987 under No 154, and was re-registered according to Law 184 of 2000 . AAW has a consultative status with the UN ( ECOSOC) since 1996. It has been selected , as the coordinator of Arab NGOs to prepare and participate in the 4th International Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995 , to deliver the Arab NGOs statement in the UN General Assembly in 2000.
AAW has its secretariat in Cairo and number of branches in Upper and lower Egypt governorates. The Alliance For Arab Women works as an umbrella to a network of NGOs and cooperates with other Egyptian and Arab organizations to provide women with basic human security through influencing policies and legislations, and through providing services and programs within the frame work of human rights. AAW General assembly includes 100 members from both sexes, it also includes members from different Arab countries.