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Bahamas Human Rights Network
History and Background

Bahamas Human Rights Network

BHRN is a non-governmental organization whose objectives are:

■To work to promote the observance of human rights in all their various aspects, especially but not limited to civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights as a comprehensive and interrelated system of rights.
■To promote the education of persons in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas regarding their human rights and responsibilities.
■To set up mechanisms to investigate, collate, record, analyze, and publicize abuses of human rights.
■To seek ways and means to remedy abuses of human rights, whether through the Courts, other Tribunals, workers’ organizations or otherwise, as the case requires.
■To establish methods of resolving human rights disputes in the Bahamas in particular those means which are supplementary, or alternative to litigation, in the form of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) techniques.
■To liaise with and support other human rights organizations in the Caribbean and elsewhere, as the Association deems fit.

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