Secretary General: Eric Sottas
Deputy Secretary General: Anne-Laurence Lacroix
Deputy Secretary General: Gerald Staberock
Urgent Campaigns
Coordinator: Alexandra Kossin
Clemencia Devia Suarez
Urgent Assistance to Victims of Torture
Coordinator: Orlane Varesano
Children’s Rights
Coordinator: Cécile Grasso Trochu
Human Rights Defenders / Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders
Coordinator: Delphine Reculeau
Acting Coordinator: Seynabou Benga
Project officer: Andrea Meraz Sepulveda
Project manager: Martina Schmidt
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Special Adviser: Tom McCarthy
Halima Dekhissi
Claudine Fäsch
Eliane Rau-Reist
Computer systems:
Alain Gross, Tera services
Cendrine Boissieux, Tera services
Webmaster: Sébastien Courvoisier
Marc Aebersold, NDC
Marinella Gras-Michielin, NDC
OMCT Europe
OMCT Europe
Coordinator: Guro Engstrøm Nilsen