The Board of Directors
Elected Members:
Mr. Afeef Lazarus, President
Mr. Earl Jarrett - Chairman
Mr. Michael Fraser – Vice Chairman
Mrs. Catherine Parke-Thwaites – Treasurer
Mr. Larry Bailey – Secretary
Nominated Members:
Dr. Wendel Guthrie
Dr. Michael McFarlene
Mr. Lincoln Robinson
Dr. J. St. Elmo Hall
Dr. Anthony Mullings
Dr. Venslow Greaves
Prof. Barrie Hanchard
Dr. Michael McFarlane
Mr. Laurence Stewart
Mr. Mike Braham
Ex Officio Members:
President - Mr. Afeef Lazarus
Administrative Director - Mrs. Carol Blair
Reach to Recovery - Mrs. Elise Sellers-Wright, Chairman
St. Elizabeth Branch - Mrs. Edith Chedda, Chairman
St Ann/St Mary Branch – Mrs. Madeline Witter, Chairman