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Federation of Arab Journalists
History and Background
The Federation of Arab Journalists henceforward the Federation consists of freely elected Arab Journalist syndicates and organizations in the Arab countries and the preparatory committees for such organizations.
The federation as independent legal status and enjoys financial and administrative autonomy. It is right to hold property, to dispose of its movable and fixed assets and other such rightd. It may pursue all legal actions that do not conflict with the aims for which it was established.
The permanent headquarters of the Federation is based in Cairo.
The Federation shall be treated in the mannerof the Arab League by virtue of decisions taken by the relevant authorities in the capital of the base country.
Objectives :
1. To contribute to the mobilization of Arab public opinion against all forms of direct occupation od Arb land from the Atlantic to the Gulf, and against all forms of direct and indirect outside control over the capacities of the Arab prople.
2. To mobilize Arab public opinion against all forms of normalization with the Zionist enemy, thus affirming that the Ara-Zionist conflict will continue untill the liberation of all occupied Arb territory from the Atlantic to the Gulf.
3. To affirm and promote manifestations of Arab solidarity and the importance of struggle to create a single, unified Arab society democratic in substance and just in the distribution of wealth among the citzen in the interest of realizing the aspiration of Arab national unity.
4. To mobilize Arab public opinion towards the development of effective Arab mechanisms of settling inter-arab disputes and preventing the intervention of international powers whose diverse often conflict with the national interest of the Arab people.
5. To work towards the promotion and enhancement of the freedom of opinion and expression and the right of citizens of free access to the circulation of information.
6. To work towards the dissemination of human rights of human rights culture and to use all available journalistic avenues and forums to contribute to the generation of a climate conductive to the freedom of opinion, expression and beleif; the respect for opposing opinions and the right to air legitimate criticsm while respecting the rights and freedoms of others.
7. To promote the respect for the freedom of the press and journalists; to provide journalists the necessary protection in the course of the pursuit of their duties; to safeguard their dignity and defend their rights and interests; to work towards the promulgation of laws and legislation in arab countries that safeguard the rights of journalists; to work towards the abolishment fo those provisions of law under which journalists risk detention in the course of the performance of their duties.
8. To participate in the training and profesional advancement of journalists, and in the process of equipping them with the skills of avail themselves of the latest scientific and technological advancements. To conduct research and prepare specialized studies on communications technology, the press and journalists.
9. To work towards the establishment of closer relations with all regional and international organizations and institutions concerned with journalism in a manner that contributes to the realization of the goals of the Federation and conforms with its projects.
10. To promote the establishment of the press syndicates and organizations in those Arab countries in which such organizations do not exisr. To create the necessary professional bonds that will assist the Federation in the realization of its goals in the fields of journalistic activity.
11. To assist all country-based journalistic organization in the modification and development of their activities and their charters so as to bring them into conformity with the Articles of Association of the Federation and its goals. To furnish these organizations with all possible support against attempts to undermine them or harm their members.
12. To preserve the integrity of the Arabic language and enhance the quality of its usage in the media, in order both to counter outsides influences and attempts at cultural domination and to participate in the protection and development of Arab culture. 
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