Financial Management, Procedures and Decision-Making Process:
The board of directors of SVF is responsible directly for the financial procedures, incomings of the organization and expenditures as well. SVF has bank accounts after the authorizations from the legal authorities. SVF issues checks signed by two board of directors at least to the contracted staff, service providers and beneficiaries directly.
SVF has contracted external audit company to issue annual audited report, which will be circulated to all donors within three months. SVF has to submit quarterly reports to some donors too. The board assigns financial manager who has MA in finance with ten years in finance grants management, a bookkeeper and administrative Assistant to undertake day to day tasks. The SVF has bank account and the grant come directly to the accounts.
The SVF is monitored and supervised by the Ministry of Interior to ensure the way of expenditures and income annually. The SVF issues the annual financial report every year.
SVF board meets regularly to hear to reports from the director general who reports to them directly and discussing in transparent and accountable manner the progress of the activities and achievements of SVF. SVF discusses thoroughly the reports and recommendation from the director general. SVF decides on collective bases on deciding; however, there are authorizations for empowered director general who is responsible for programs development grants management before the donors and daily management, recommending programs, participating in staff hiring, fundraising international communications and the legal authority on SVF.
Evaluation Policy:
Evaluation is an integral policy of the foundation for development and decision making process. The specialist works closely with team, partners and concerned CBOs to identify potential strengthens and weakness in implementation the projects and actions and to give specific recommendations. The evaluator publishes a final report at the end of each project. Her/ his contributions are very important to ensure sustainability of the projects and to potentially develop similar future civil society projects. SVF’s evaluation specialist moves frequently over different locations to meet trainees, forums’ participants, open discussions, and listen to some Radio programs. The job starts with beginning of each activity and project.