Created July First 1994 in order to contribute to the advocacy and implementation of Local Sustainable Development by (LSD) insuring the optimal use of local opportunities and resources. As of September the First WFSD counts over 5000 members and beneficiaries through out its 21 regional branches. Mobilization of womena nd youngsters and local planning are the essential activities of WFSD 21 regional branches aiming at achieving LSD. NGO-WFSD distributes micro-credits and supervises its optimal use to generate income and employment in favor of excluded and invisible women living in deprived, poor and remote communities.
Objectives :
Emphasize women roles-interventions specifity in advocating for and implementing Sustainable Development while addressing its social, economic, cultural and environmental dimensions.
WFSD strives to achieve :
1. Local Development.
2. Local employment.
3. National resources conservation and restoration.