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International Association of Intercultural Studies
Activities and Programs

1. The regular members` meetings take place every two years summoned by a written invitation.The members shall receive this invitation with two months advance notice.

2. The Board may summon an irregular members' meeting upon receiving a written request from not less than 10 % of the membership.

3. At every members' meeting, the Board reports on the activities of the Association and submits the financial report.  A  simple majority is sufficient to approve the Board's report.

4. Each members' meeting sets its own agenda.  If changes or supp1ementary demands are supported by at least 10 % of the members present, they shall be considered during the debate over the final formulation of the agenda.

5. Minutes of the meeting`s deliberations, including resolutions shall be signed by the Board, and copies shall be sent to all members within a reasonable period.

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