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Sawiris Foundation for Social Development
Mechanism of Operation

Projects funded by the Foundation are based on the collaboration between civil society, the government, and the corporate sector. The Foundation's institutional partners function as implementing agencies, and are also sometimes involved in the design and co-funding of projects. Implementing agencies include government bodies, non-governmental and non-profit organizations, universities, and business enterprises.

Thus, employment creation programs are implemented through partnerships involving institutions willing to undertake the training component; businesses willing to host on-the-job training; and partners willing to participate in project funding or provide technological transfer.

The Foundation supports and develops projects that are innovative, answer socio-economic needs, demonstrate potential for success, and can be promoted as a model to be replicated and adapted by other institutions. Such projects are seen as the starting point for a long-term process of social change and economic growth, on both an individual and a societal level. The Foundation thus works towards the improvement of society by helping others to help themselves.

 The Foundation follows a linear, three-stage approach to job creation: market needs are assessed; employment is secured; and then certified training of an internationally accepted standard is provided in areas where there are jobs available but nobody qualified to fill them. This strategy of working backward by securing employment prior to undertaking specially tailored training programs for the unemployed, ensures that jobs are guaranteed for graduates of the training programs supported by the Foundation, and that market needs are met.

 The project “Improving the Nursing Profession in Upper Egyptimplemented in collaboration with the Center for Development Services (CDS), was awarded the 2004 International Prize for Pioneering Development Projects by the Arab Gulf Program for United Nations Development Organizations (AGFUND).

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