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Asdaa's Association for serving the Hearing Impaired
Activities and Programs

First: The standing permanent association's activities:
- Training our deaf sons to use computer for participating in the 4th Egyptian Olympiad Competition of 2006.
- Holding Training Courses in Speech and Sign Languages.
- The permanent charitable activities of Asdaa's which can be summed as follows:
• Performing Medical check-up for the deaf patients and their families and providing medicines.
• Presenting the financial and in kind aids for the poor members.
• Sponsoring and supporting the orphan deaf.
• Presenting the in-kind aids to the deaf young-men who are planning to marry.
• Presenting the translation service of Sign Language to the deaf in the medical establishments and judicial authorities.
Secondly: The Present Projects:
- The association applies a project to qualify the deaf teacher in the illiteracy eradication course under the auspices of Sawiras Foundation for Social Development where illiteracy eradication, the General Authority for Adult Education, Alexandria Branch and the Arab Academy for Science and Technology.
- The project aim to eradicate the illiteracy of the deaf through qualifying the university graduates teachers for teaching the illiteracy eradication curriculum for the deaf through Sign Language which is consider as a rare specialty and required at Adult Education Authority.
- Asdaa's Association prepares and formulating and illiteracy eradication curriculum as well as translates it to the Sign  Language then, such signs will be photographed as still image and videoed by camera. Such curricula books and literature will be printed. After holding the training courses, they will show the curriculum in easy way through the videoed material on Data Show inside the lecture hall in the frame of a training program being well-prepared to the action by using PowerPoint application.
Thirdly: The Association Experience:
- The association was approved as an official training center for teaching computer by Arab Academy for Science and Technology.
- The association participated with the deaf teamwork and hearing impaired in:
1- The 1st Egyptian Information Olympiad of 2003 in the competition of Computer Basics (Hardware – WinWord – PowerPoint).
2- The 2nd Egyptian Information Olympiad of 2004 in the competition of Computer (Excel).
3- The 3rd Egyptian Information Olympiad of 2005 in the competition of Computer basics and programming (Visual Basic).
The association has secured some advanced positions for the three years.
- The association has participated in the first Robot Competition in the Middle East and secured the 6th position where the participation of the impaired and the deaf have received all the participants.
- The association has published its first publication in learning computer to the deaf through Sign Language under the title "Computer..What is it?".


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