The GUN-GEO core work is community-based activities. Public and community participation will be enhanced and promoted during all project phases(from planing to implementation and evaluation). To strengthen and build on our grassroots educational focus, GUN-GEO must facilitate the dissemination of up-to-date, science based information at the community level. GUN-GEO can accomplish this most effectively through continuos development of programs in the end of each year.
GUN-GEO programs work because they are used at the community level. The past experience of the member NGOs proved the workability of such programs. These programs educate students, the public, certain sectors of the community (engineers, teachers etc…) and environmental groups about local, regional, national and even global environmental issues. An important dimension will be added here to our educational strategy, where policy and decision-makers will be added to the activities.
Public Outreach/Communication:
Because we are strongly motivated to achieve goals/objectives, we must enhance and promote the use of media and internet technology to carry the GUN-GEO Message beyond our membership to other NGOs, private sector, government and even every home, school, association and institution.
GUN-GEO will significantly increase the effectiveness of our members in achieving our goals by forming partnerships and/ or coalitions with other local, regional, national, governmental and non- governmental organizations. By unification of our efforts with the other organizations and stakeholders, we provide high-quality data to inform the decision-making process for environmental conservation and protection. we will work to from strong relationships with organizations whose strengths complement ours and establish local/ regional networks and coalitions for issue-driven environmental campaigns.