The Society was established by the former General Authority for Youth and Sport according to Decision No.2 issued by the vice president of the Authority on 17/6/1991.
Objectives :
The objectives of the Qatar Amateur Radio Society could be summarized as follows :
1- Developing of the hobby of Radio between citizens and expatriates, and organizing its practices according to applicable laws.
2- Training amateurs on using Radio instruments and providing the necessary equipment for this purpose.
3- Participating in training a technical cadre capable to offer humanitarian services in emergency cases and rescue of ships, crafts,…..etc.
4- Establishing of humanitarian relations and international friendships between the amateurs in the State of Qatar and their counterparts abroad in order to introduce Qatar and its renaissance to them.
6- Cooperating with the concerned authorities in establishing regulations pertaining to permit licenses of practicing the hobby of Radio, and using relevant equipment in line with international conventions organizing such a hobby.
7- Organizing local and regional competitions for telecommunication amateurs and to participate in relevant international competitions.
8- Participation in conferences and seminars related to the radio hobby whether inside or outside Qatar.