Chairperson (elected according to protocol from recent members annual meeting March 2008)
Mr Hans LEVANDER, Physician age 66
Life-Link has a elected board, introduced on www.life-link.org, with youth positions as stipulated in the statues.
650 schools in 80 countries are part of the organisation.
193 private members in Sweden are supporters.
At the base: 650 schools in 80 countries, that use the Life-Link peace/care education program.
Life-Link charges no money from the schools, and does not send any money to the schools.
Life-Link inspires the school-network through proposed peace actions (lessons) to be performed by classes at and around their own school.
Coordination: In several countries voluntary coordinators promote the Life-Link program at participating schools.
Board: An Elected board, with members basically from Sweden, 5-6 board-meetings per year.
An appendix in English is presented on www.life-link.org from each board meeting.
Executive office: In Uppsala city, Sweden. One employed secretary, and one temporary consultant for a Life-Link & UNESCO ASPnet pilot study (2007-2008) in Arabic countries. A working chairperson on voluntary conditions.
Financing: Office support from Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs (annual applications from Swedish NGOs). Project support from fundraising, 2008 from the Swedish Sida.
Some contribution from the private members.