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Are you interested in attending a course about promoting the Culture of Peace?

Life-Link Friendship-Schools Association
Activities and Programs

501 schools in 74 countries now (March 2007) profit from the peace education programme: ”Youth Caring and Sharing Peace Actions at Schools World-Wide”.
Proposed peace actions (care actions, peace lectures, short projects) are listed below, and a manual as well as the web-site www.life-link.org offer guidelines for each of the proposed peace actions. Your class or some classes together or a youth club can at low costs perform peace action/s either within the schools curriculum or during a few hours´ extracurricular activities.

The Life-Link programme has two interrelated parts:

1. Peace Actions (projects, lectures). Youth, age preferably 12-19, in co-operation with teachers, and if possible also parents and community resource people involved, perform one or several  ”2 hours” or part-day peace actions as proposed in the Life-Link Manual. (www.life-link.org, resources, Life-Link manual). The peace actions/projects can be chosen from a list of more than 50 actions within the themes of Care for Myself, Care for Others, Care for Nature and Lets Get Organised. The actions should take place at/around your school or within your community, and can be initiated by a class or a club at your school. Each performed peace action should be summarized to Life-Link on a short Report Form by letter mail, fax or E-mail, or directly from www.life-link.org.
For new schools: By sending the first accepted Peace Action report, your school will be welcomed and your school will be listed on www.life-link.org  in practice: Schools & Actions. The Life-Link programme needs no specific application form or entrance fee! Just join by performing local peace actions! Your school must cover the financing for performing peace actions, usually possible to run at low cost! A  Life-Link manual chapter on Project Management gives ideas on fundraising at the school!

2. School-Linking or Partner-Schools collaboration. When your school and your performed action/s are reported and listed on www.life-link.org in practice: Schools&Actions, you can study if other schools in the world have performed similar peace action/s. Search on the specific peace action/s of your interest such as Tree planting (action 3:06) or Community Service (action 2:12). Your class/club/school might be interested to contact other school/s in order to exchange protocols and experiences on your specific peace actions of interest. You are allowed to take such contacts directly using any available means of communication. Life-Link stresses the importance that you in your first contact with an other school propose a time-limited partner-schools collaboration, perhaps ”2-months”, and also describe what communication you want to carry out. A partner-schools collaboration benefits from good planning, project management. Prolonged collaboration and projects can of course be the result of your first contact. Individual Pen-pal contacts can grow out from early Partner-Schools contacts, and continue after that the Partner-Schools programme is finalised.


Life-Link Programme – Ethics

The Life-Link programme is built on natural and social sciences. Life-Link has neither political nor religious “strings”. The basic ethical value is to Care, to take personal responsibility and to behave within a Global Citizenship commitment.
The Life-Link concept of ”peace” is to develop sustainable relations and behaviour on three interrelated levels:
 Care for Myself  - The relation with myself including my attitudes and my concern for a healthy lifestyle.
 Care for Others - My relation with other people, including the traditional definitions of ”Peace”, “Conflict Resolution”, “Reconciliation”, ”Human rights” and “Security with others - Common Security”
 Care for Nature - My relation with Nature, the ”environment”; A relation and “Reverence for Life” to be built in accordance with sustainability, “sustainable development” within Planet Earth’s limited resources.

The Life-Link programme also stresses the importance of ”project management” Lets Get Organised. Any performed peace action or school-linking project must be carefully planned; Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail! 

Performing small peace actions Locally and at the same time involving a thinking and feeling of Global partnership is in accordance with a behaviouristic pedagogic and psychologic strategy; man must adapt his/her behaviour within our common ”living-room” on Earth.
Life-Link has partnership with the UNESCO Culture for Peace programme, and has been awarded the ”World Aware Award 2000” by the Council of Europe. Life-Link is registered in Sweden as a Non Governmental Organisation NGO, an Association with regulated and controlled finances and regular board meetings and protocols. The official working language internationally is English. The Life-Link Manual is translated into Russian and Spanish, and since year 2005 also Arabic languages. A revised edition of the Life-Link Manual was presented in January 2007.  The Life-Link present programme is built from a base of more than 1500 peace actions proposed by 179 schools in 55 countries year 1999, an initiative taken for the new Millenium 2000.

Benefits: We believe that this programme with a holistic peace concept, will benefit Youth, Teachers, Schools, Communities, States and finally but not least the Earth. Some specific beneficial points and consequences are listed below.

Welcome to perform at least one peace action at your school. You surely have several activities ongoing at your school that qualify for reporting, such reports will be an inspiration for other schools world-wide. A minimum of four (4) reported Actions during a year will merit a Life-Link Certificate for your school.
The Green School Garden action (3:10) is open for campaigning 2007-2008 – more information on www.life-link.org.
The Water for Life (3:08) and RRR Reduce-Reuse-Recycle (3:05) campaigns will be promoted 2008. A peace action discussing Human Trafficking is prepared for introduction on the Life-Link agenda.

Proposed ”2-hours” Actions and Projects   Overview

Care for Myself
1:01 My Thoughts – Visions – Beliefs – Attitudes – Behaviour
1:02 State of Mind – “Have a Rest”
1:03 Green Medicine Day
1:04 Healthy Food and Healthy Eating Habits
1:05 Voice of the Youth
1:06 Religions and Peace
1:07 Art Expression and Peace
1:08 Massage
1:09 Self-Confidence – “3 Small Actions a Day”
1:10 Drugs – Alcohol – Cigarettes – Steroids -
1:11 Violence – Effects on My Body and Mind
1:12 Sexually Transmitted Diseases
1:13 Global Citizenship – Taking Responsibility
1:14 Social Addiction – Gambling, Computers etc
1:15 Sport & Peace - Get on the Move!

Care for Others
2:01 From a Culture of Violence to Culture of Peace/Care
2:02 Constructive Collaboration
2:03 Peer Mediation and Conflict Resolution
2:04 Land Mines and Guns
2:05 First Aid
2:06 Democracy
2:07 A Kindness Day and One Daily Action of Random Kindness
2:08 Multiculturalism
2:09 Children and War
2:10 The Rights of the Child
2:11 Contact Day
2:12 Community Service
2:13 Women Day – Men Day; Gender Equality
2:14 Handicapped People in Society
2:15 Anti-Harassment Program
2:16 Fair Trade
2:17 My Family
2:18 Poverty and Wealth

Care for Nature
3:01 SOS – Switch Off Something; Energy Resources and Sustainability
3:02 (IDEAS - reported actions will be registered under the topic 3:03 Clean Up)
3:03 Clean Up the World Campaign
3:04 Endangered Animals and Plants - Biodiversity
3:05 Passing the Message: “RRR;  Reduce-Reuse-Recycle”
3:06 Tree Planting Action
3:07 Dramas – Art – Music – Writing - Poetry; about the Environment
3:08 Water for Life
3:09 Transports At and Around Our School
3:10 Green School Garden
3:11 Chemicals and Nature
3:12 Bushfire and Forrest Fire Prevention
3:13 UNESCO World Heritage Programme
3:14 Biodiversity – Agenda 21
3:15 Contact with Nature

Lets Get Organised
Inspiration, Project Management, Fundraising actions.
4:01 Hope and Joy. “Jumpstart Hurray – Let´s Do It!”
4:02 Party for the World – Creating Public Awareness
4:03 “What´s Up” – E-mail and Website Reporting
4:04 Fundraising, Dances and Services
4:05 Teamwork Through Games and Challenges
4:06 Project Management
4:07 Eco Club
4:08 Festival of Music and Poems
4:09 Media Project
4:11 Life-Link Campaign – Forthcoming Actions and Agenda at Our School
4:12 Model Parliament – Students School Council
4:13 United Nations and Intergovernmental Organisations
4:14 Economy and Financing

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