In 2007-2009, InterAction''s work will be guided by the following priorities:
GOAL #1:
Promote a bold agenda to focus U.S. development and humanitarian assistance on improving the conditions of the world’s poor and most vulnerable.
- Engage with the USG to advance poverty alleviation and humanitarian relief as major independent US foreign assistance priorities.
- Advocate for the creation of a Cabinet-level US Department of Development and Humanitarian Assistance.
GOAL #2:
Demonstrate and enhance NGO accountability and impact in development and humanitarian action. Focus on aggregating the contributions of the NGO community towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals, on broadening compliance with the Sphere Project’s Minimum Standards in Disaster Response, and on aligning with other key global frameworks that advance development efforts and enable humanitarian action.
GOAL #3:
Be the voice and prime representative of US international NGOs in building alliances and common agendas with NGO networks around the world and with other strategic partners.