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Balochistan Environmental and Educational Journey
History and Background

Founded in the year 2001 by a group of committed development workers and experts belonging to various spheres of life such as education, environment & sanitation, law, engineering and women activism. After expansion of its activities in other parts of the province, BEEJ was registered under Social Welfare Ordinance of 1961 in December 2001.
We seek a prosperous society where people have their  right to a life of dignity and all resources are equitably  managed and sustained.

And to achieve this state, we during the process of  social mobilization, adopt a participatory, self-help, self- sustainable approach through community involvement  and formation of volunteer groups in remote rural areas  of Balochistan.

Currently we are involved in projects ranging from  Primary Education to Water Management, we have a  broad horizon in front of us and we feel that there is a  lot more to do. And this feeling has not been put aside,  we are constantly striving to bring the rays of hope and  long lasting prosperity to the marginalized communities  in rural areas of this province.
Our each day brings with itself new challenges and opportunities to grow and reach out more to the people in need, our thriving team of social mentors with their broad range of expertise and hard earned practical experience is playing a pivotal role in this quest for prosperous and equalized world. 

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