DOST Foundation (DOST) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization established in August 1992 in response to the need for combating the increasing drug use and other related problems in Pakistan.
DOST provides a comprehensive range of drug demand and drug harm reduction services for drug users in different community settings. DOST also works for the human rights protection, rehabilitation and social reintegration of destitute street children, juvenile offenders, women and minor children in prisons.
With a staff of over 100, DOST provides a continuum of care and quality services through its programmes for drug abuse prevention, treatment and rehabilitation, drug harm reduction, HIV/AIDS prevention, vocational skills training, research, advocacy and networking.
All DOST programmes are based on human rights protection of marginalized groups such as drug users, street children, juvenile offenders, women and minor children in prisons. DOST enables these vulnerable persons to explore the underlying factors of their drug misuse and imprisonment, to come to terms with past traumatic experiences, examine attitudes and behaviour patterns, receive training in life and social skills and re-integrate into the community and society.