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Pattan Development Organization
History and Background
Pattan is a registered not-for-profit organization and works with the socially, politically and economically marginalized communities in Pakistan, with a focus to perk up governance deficiencies in Pakistan and encourages collective feat for policy and structural change through mobilization and institutional development, networking and advocacy, capacity building and awareness, and, through theatre and cultural events.

Pattan emerged in 1992 after the disastrous floods that hit several areas of Pakistan causing massive ravage. Pattan came into existence with a foundation to condense the susceptibility of the communities in the riverine areas to intermittent destructive flooding, and to enhance their capacity to sustain their livelihoods in the riverine environment.

Backed by OXFAM and CONCERN International, Pattan was primarily engaged in distribution of relief and rehabilitation goods – tents, food and seeds – to worst-hit riverine communities in the Sargodha, Multan and Muzaffargarh areas, the southern districts of the Punjab.  The lessons learnt during the relief efforts in 1992 enabled Pattan to realize that relief alone do not address the defenselessness of communities living in the riverine areas of Pakistan.

Pattan initiated its journey with a mandate to address the issue of disaster preparedness, management and mitigation. Pattan focuses on harnessing the unleashed social and political potential of the people in an effort to enable them to become a part of decision-making that affect their daily lives.

Pattan addresses various thematic areas covering Disaster Reduction, Democracy and Governance, Women Empowerment, Youth and Volunteerism, Election Analysis and Observation and, Arts and Culture.
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