Board of Directors
Pablo Better
Was General Manager of Ideal Alambrec S.A., Minister of Finances and President of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Ecuador. Has taught at various universities in Ecuador and at the Center of Andean Studies of the University of New Mexico.
Walter Spurrier
Recognized economic and political analyst. Director and Editor of the economic journal Análisis Semanal. Former Director of the Stock Exchange of Quito. Columnist and analyst in various media sources.
Jaime Mantilla
General Manager of Edimpres and Director of Diario Hoy, which is published in Quito. President of various Ecuadorian businesses and Vice-president of the Inter-American Society for the Press. Professor at various universities in Ecuador. His studies were completed at the INCAE.
Juan Fernando Salazar
Outstanding businessman, President of the Mariscal Group and of commercial centers in Ecuador. Member of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Pichincha and the Diners Club of Ecuador. Editorialist in the daily El Comercio.
Andrés Vallejo Arcos
Prestigious public figure. Was Minister of Government, and President of the National Congress. President of the Former Monetary Assembly, Manager of various national banks. Currently, is the City Councilor of Quito.
Fabián Corral
Outstanding lawyer specialized in the areas of trade union rights, commercial law, tax law, and industrial business law. Co-author of the proposal Constitutional Reform in the Regime of Social Security. Was an advisor for the Board of Directors of the Quito Chamber of Commerce. Currently, is the Dean of the Law School at the University San Francisco of Quito.
Mariano González
Businessman with a long history of work in Ecuador. Has held positions as the Director of the Chamber of Commerce and the Director of the Chamber of Industries of Guayaquil. Was the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock between 1992 and 1996.
Peggy Dulany
President of the Board of Directors of the Synergos Institute of New York. For six years was the principle of a public school for troubled youth in Boston. Was a Consultant for the United Nations and the Ford Foundation, in the themes of health and family planning in Brazil, the United States and Portugal. Was a consultant at the National Endowment for Democracy, on the themes of NGO administration and planning. Is a member of the Board of Directors of the Council on Foreign Relations, Cambridge College, the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation and the African American Institute.
Jorge Roca Arteta
Businessman from Guayaquil. Founder and President of MBtec, General Manager of Austromar, Founder and President of Mimarepa S.A. (network of stores), Member of the Board of Directors of the Consensus Group (Indurama, Marcimex, Austromar, Fundación Humanitaria P. Jaramillo), Founder and President of the AEACEC (German Stiehle School of Cuenca) and member of various other foundation and business board of directors. Official manager and editorialist of the daily, El Finacnciero.
Catherine Chalá
Leader of the Afro-Ecuadorian movement. Consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank, National Coordinator of the Black Women of Ecuador, lecturer in general themes, assistant professor at the Catholic University, and collaborator in various media outlets.
Pedro Zambrano Lapentti
Journalist from Manabí, Director of the Ediasa Group (Diario de Manabí, Manavisión, Radio Líder). Member of the Board of Directors of the Tax-free Area of Manabí and the Association of Periodical Editors. Ecuador’s Vice-president to the Inter-American Society of the Press.
Per Vorbek
Businessman, Founder, and President of Danish Commercial, and President, Vice-president and Director of other various businesses. Vice-council of Demark in Ecuador.